January 2024 Whale Sightings
January 31
January 30
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Tue, Jan 30 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (K Pod)- Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #10: “At 1010 as they were ~ 1 nm north east of Great Race a series of fins caught their attention ~ .5 nm southwest of Race Rocks. As they approached they were highly suspicious that they were Residents by the big spread and behaviour; they could see several breaching in the distance and the closest individual was tail lobbing in a tide line. Brendon was able to confirm K pod after taking distant photos of the closest whales K16 and K22. This marked CWR's first encounter with K pod in 2024.” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #10.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Jan 30 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T002B & T109Bs minus T109B3) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #11: “The encounter began at 1238 off Sheringham Point. The first whale to surface was T109B4, a distinctly-marked whale with a noticeable notch along its spine. Shortly after, T109B and T109B5 surfaced in unison, accompanied by another sizable female identified by Brendon as T002B, a satellite female known for moving between various pods, including the T109Bs. Coincidentally, T002B was last observed off Sooke on August 30th, 2023, also in the company of the T109Bs. Notably absent during this encounter, however, was 11-year-old female T109B3, present in the August sighting.” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #11.
MINKE WHALES - Tue, Jan 30 - Hood Canal - 11:00 - There was a minke just south of Lilliwaup. It was moving west to east, saw it rise four or five times, then disappeared. About a quarter mile away. -Steve Illman
January 29
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 29 - Possession Sound - 16:34 - Alice Moyal reported seeing a gray whale between Hat Island and about mid Jetty Island heading eastbound toward Everett. [HIWS]
Mon, Jan 29 - Possession Sound (CRC53 Little Patch)
17:20 - Getting dark now, last update from me. He is still off Mabana, currently trending south on Camano side of Saratoga. Goodnight Little Patch.
16:58 - CRC53 Little Patch now feeding on Camano side of Saratoga off Mabana.
16:45 - Whale still milling off Mabana, now Camano side of midchannel.
16:23 - Whale hasn't moved north or south at all. Guessing he is just hanging out waiting for the tide to get higher. Still Whidbey side of midchannel off Mabana.
16:05 - Another blow in the same area, seems to be trending west [approx. 48.076735, -122.434279].
16:00 - Just happened to turn west and saw a blow straight out from me! Near the sun glare so tricky to see right now. Saw another at 16:02 as I was typing, midchannel or west of, can't tell direction of travel. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network -back of camera photo by Serena Tierra, January 29, 2024
14:15 - J David Adams shared on Camano group secondhand report of a whale south of Summerland, Camano Island (southern end between Mabana & Pebble Beach).
January 28
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 28 - Haro Strait
15:13 - Large male possible direction change. Heading northwest off of Eagle Point/False Bay.
14:50 - Orcas quite far off False Bay/Eagle Point heading east. There is a research boat near them. -Jenny Stands Wilson [WSSJI]
14:46 - Visual on Center for Whale Research boat several miles offshore with at least one whale heading south.
14:40 - No visual on anything from Land Bank - secondhand report that at least a few of them staying on the west side of Haro.
14:14 - Updated report is it’s spread out Bigg’s.
13:40 - Report of orcas east of Discovery Island heading east across Haro - sounds like possibly several groups. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Sun, Jan 28 - Ucluelet Inlet
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Chloe Sandahl
Date of Sighting: January 28, 2024
Time: 4:15 PM
Species seen: Baby Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Entrance of Ucluelet Inlet
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Surfaced with head, tail flipped away
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?: No
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We were under sail on a sailboat, it was stormy, the small orca surfaced 3m from the boat. We were accompanied by 1 biologist, and 2 professional whale watching guides.
Photos available?: No
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 28 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch) - CRC53 Little Patch - Most of his surfacings were very shallow, but I did see a few head raises (no pictures though). He did not fluke in the two hours I was watching him (also did not see him fluke during previous sightings on 01/21 and 01/15). The change in skin coloration is visible on his right side.
16:56 - Little Patch is still milling and feeding in the same area. Light is fading and tide is rising so I won't be able to stay much longer.
16:24 - After circling for a while, he has moved back south and is now feeding again just north of my map from earlier.
15:47 - Still feeding in the same area, now trending north.
15:29 - CRC53 Little Patch feeding here.
15:07 - 15:12 - Gray is about halfway between Mabana and Elger Bay, close to Camano trending south. No ID yet, only blows seen so far. Viewing from a private beach. -photos & ID by Serena Tierra, January 28, 2024
14:30 - One whale, probably grey, just outside of Elger Bay [Camano Island] moving south. -Kasey Shepard [CWW]
January 27
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sat, Jan 27 - San Juan Channel (J Pod) - The only thing better than Bigg's in the morning is Southern Residents in the afternoon! San Juan Channel was a busy place today. A couple hours after the Ts went west in Spieden Channel, we got a report of orcas heading south in San Juan Channel. My first thought was that some of the Bigg's had doubled back, but then we heard they were spread out and surface active, making it sound a little more suspicious.... I headed out to the shoreline near Friday Harbor and immediately found J19 Shachi and J39 Mako heading south. I caught sight of a large group of social whales to the north, but they stalled out before getting to me. A few minutes later, J19 and J39 doubled back and went north, and all the whales flipped. So back to Reuben Tarte I went! Js took their time heading back north in several tight resting groups. They were mostly mid-channel but a few veered a little closer to us as they, too, made their way towards Spieden Channel. Eventually all of J-Pod went west in the channel. It's not uncommon for J-Pod to traverse San Juan Channel in the winter, but for the last two years they've mostly done so under the cover of darkness! It was awesome to have a rare winter daylight visit with them today. -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, January 27, 2024
J59 Sxwyeqόlh, J37 Hy'shqa, J38 Cookie - J Pod, San Juan Channel, SJI
14:35 - 15:30, Viewing from Reuben Tarte Park, blows seen just north of Mineral Point. J Pod was traveling slowly to the north mid-channel in San Juan Channel. They were spaced out in groups with some fluke lobs and floating with belly up as they approached and entered Spieden Channel. Link to FB video. -photos & IDs by Michelline Halliday, January 27, 2024
Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #8: - “J26 broke off shore to play with J44 and J45, and J16 and J42 fell behind the rest of the group. The team got a good look at these two, and confirmed that there was no calf travelling with them. The team then briefly paralleled the group of three males as J16 and J42 passed them up. Before going back to the main group, the team tried to catch up to J16 and J42. J39 broke off shore in front of them, while the two females went on a long dive. When they came back up, they were inshore of the team, closer to the main group of whales. After one more pass on the two females, the team moved back towards the main group. Back with the main group of whales, the team was able to get good looks at both J40 and J46, two more potential mothers for J60. Neither female had a calf travelling with them. The team also documented J37 and J59 travelling with the J22s. By this point the team had photographed every pod member other than J60, and it was becoming clear that the calf was no longer there…”Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #8.
15:58 - They passed through the west end [of Spieden Channel], mid channel. -Liz Ziffren Makofsky [WSSJI]
15:30 - Heading west into Spieden Channel!
15:05 - Slow north in several resting groups mid-channel off Reuben Tarte.
14:30 - Mid San Juan Channel abeam of Yellow Island northbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
15:29 - [J pod]They're taking Spieden!
14:01 - [J pod]Mid channel off Yellow [Island].
13:42 - [J pod]They flipped. Northbound now at Point Caution.
13:12 - Rs for sure.
13:07 - I think Js! Should be in view of labs soon.
12:50 - Off Point Caution [San Juan Channel]. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network
13:40 - Possible flip northbound.
13:05 - J-Pod leaders off Friday Harbor southbound. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
12:10 - At least six, maybe ten orcas, widely spaced, bringing up the rear, heading south mid-channel past Jones. -Alex Shapiro [WSSJI]
12:00 - At least two orcas heading south mid-channel between Mineral Point and Jones Island. -Dan Shelley [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Jan 27 - San Juan Channel (T124A2s & others) - Photo: A rainy morning pass from T124A2 Elkugu off Reuben Tarte. Despite being hit by one in a series of atmospheric rivers currently moving over the Pacific Northwest, with a morning report of orcas in San Juan Channel, Monika went out to investigate. She was just about to give up when she thought she saw one whale surface far to the south. But then....nothing. Fifteen minutes later, about ready to call it quits again, and three whales surfaced right in front of her off Reuben Tarte County Park. She barely had time to lift the camera and snap a couple photos to determine it was the T124A2s when they were down on another dive. While waiting for them to surface again, more whales appeared to the north! Another group of Bigg's, including two males and a calf, were rounding Limestone Point coming south. Unfortunately once they met up with the T124A2s they flipped and went back west through Spieden Channel, remaining too distant for any ID photos. So it's a mystery who met up with the T124A2s! -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, January 27, 2024
14:45 - I saw about six including two males at Portland Island, wondering if it’s the same group. -Malachi Aaron [WSSJI]
10:00 - While watching the northbound whales pass Reuben Tarte, another group came around the corner of Limestone Point and met up with them! They all just went west in Spieden Channel. Biggs. T124A2s were the northbound whales. Don't think I'll be able to get an ID from my distant photos on the group that joined them, but it included two males and a calf. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
09:21 - Possibly the same group? They were eastbound in Spieden this morning. -Liz Ziffren Makofsky [WSSJI]
08:43 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Entering FHBR right side of Harbor heading north along the shore.
08:07 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Captain [of SAMISH] reports 6 Orca near Government Point [Point Caution] heading North.
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 27 - Admiralty Inlet (CRC56 Stardust) - CRC56 Stardust - 10:00 - Going southbound off Bush Point, Whidbey Island. Link to FB video. -screengrab from video by Flavia Consens, January 27, 2024
January 26
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Fri, Jan 26 - San Juans - 08:37 - Just got a report of orca whales at Flat Top Island. No direction or number given. Reliable source. Maybe four. They weren’t sure. -John Boyd [WSSJI]
January 25
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Jan 25 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T75Bs, T75Cs, T77D) - Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #7: “Mike 1 slowed down outside the west edge of Race Rocks Reserve and saw what looked like four or five animals approaching ~ 1/4 nm away. To their surprise, they saw what looked like a footprint a few seconds later off Mike 1's bow and then a killer whale launched out of the water with a cartwheel. They immediately saw the reason for this burst of speed and activity as a young seal pup popped up in the frenzy.There was a brand new calf in the group which Mark thought may be T075C4. CWR first documented this new calf on January 1st in almost the same spot (see Encounter 01). Mark eventually was able to confirm his suspicion as T075C was the huntress who made short work of the seal pup while her one month old calf, two year old T075C3 and T075B2 circled around and watched her prowess…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #7.
January 24
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - 01-23-24 T18s Haro Strait
12:41 - 12:43, Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank, T19 Nootka with her son T19B Galiano traveling slowly up island, 1/3 mile from shore. They were very relaxed, gliding just above the surface, both breaking the surface and diving in unison.
Wed, Jan 24 - Rosario Strait (T100s) - 10:15 - Update per Matt Stolmeier on Whale Sightings San Juan Islands group: T100s, west of Allan Island headed southeast toward Williamson Rocks/Deception Pass.
01-23-24 T18s Haro Strait - 12:41 - 12:43, Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank, T19 Nootka with her son T19B Galiano traveling slowly up island, 1/3 mile from shore. They were very relaxed, gliding just above the surface, both breaking the surface and diving in unison.
09:17 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:31 to report: 0917hrs: Vessel SAMISH reports via 800MHz they've spotted 2 orcas, one adult and one juvenile, heading South in Rosario Strait, located NW of Shannon Point.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Jan 24 - Puget Sound - 11:05 - Just saw a humpback fluke, Washington state ferry from Bainbridge to Seattle, mid channel, headed west. -Emily Klobuchar
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Wed, Jan 24 - Burrows Bay - 10:30 - There was another, separate whale in Burrows Bay after I left the T100s. Pointed south, very long dives, visible blow, wasn't able to confirm species as conditions deteriorated. -Matt Stolmeier
January 23
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Jan 23 - Haro Strait (T18s, T60D, & T60E)- Excerpt from Center for Whale Research Encounter #6: “Michael had received reports from Lodie and Mark that a group of Bigg's killer whales, composed of the T18s along with T60D and T60E were off of Eagle Point, and were likely headed up island. Michael and Katie left the dock at 13:30 and headed down island. Within a few minutes, they saw a large fin just north of Andrew's Bay, which they both immediately recognized as T19B. He was initially milling, but as they approached he began moving north. T19B took a few very long dives as he made his way north, making it hard to pace him. On his third sequence, he surfaced well ahead and inshore of the team, now accompanied by T19…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #6.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Maryanne Butcher
Date of Sighting: January 23, 2024
Time: 3:48 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Spieden Channel
Direction of travel : East
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I posted about 15 minutes ago about a large single Orca traveling east on Spieden Channel. Minutes later I spotted 4 more traveling the same direction.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Maryanne Butcher
Date of Sighting: January 23, 2024
Time: 3:25 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Spieden Channel
Direction of travel : Traveling east at a medium pace
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: This is probably the largest Orca I've seen in Spieden Channel.
Photos available?: No
13:21 - 13:26, Viewing from 1 mile south of Landbank, T18 Esperanza with T19C Spouter, 1/3 mile from shore, traveling up island. Surfacing close together T19C's size was impressive next to T18. The scars across T19C's saddle looked like graffiti they were so pronounced.Photographed from shore. -Michelline Halliday - T19C Spouter - T19B Galiano -photos by Michelline Halliday, January 23 2024
T19C Spouter - T19B Galiano, likely traveling next to mother T19 Nootka -IDs by Serena Tierra, Orca Network -photos by Maryanne Butcher, January 23, 2024
14:02 - Two last seen off of Andrews Bay heading north. Half mile off shore.
13:50 - Two more individuals coming from the south and traveling north. Approaching Smallpox Bay.
13:24 - Two visible from County Park.
11:49 - 13:02 - Viewed two individuals from Land Bank. Traveling north. Took one long dive until they surfaced again in the distance at 13:01. Approx. third mile from shore. -Sarah Richard [WSSJI]
12:03 - Two orcas continuing up island. Very large male and one other one. Close to shore. Approaching False Bay. -Jenny Stands Wilson [WSSJI]
11:45 - Sounds like close to shore, now heading up island.
11:30 - Update has them near Eagle Cove - reported as T19, T19B, T60D, and T60E.
11:05 - Bigg’s killer whales offshore of South Beach heading north. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
08:35 - Six whales eastbound between Shaw and Turn Rock. I got to see them from the ferry! -John Boyd [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 23 - Possession Sound - 09:38 - Gray whale between Hat and Tulalip. Way closer to Tulalip side [approx. 48.020985, -122.256308]. -Jaime McBroom
09:25 - Viewing one assumed gray whale from Legion Park in Everett. Right about here [approx. 48.024982, -122.218875]! We are thinking there might be two but haven’t confirmed yet. Lots of blows and some spyhopping. -Stephanie Brenaman
January 22
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Jan 22 - Haro Strait - 16:57 - I just returned home from spotting orca one mile southeast of Discovery Island (Seabird Point). They have stalled out - feeding. They were pointed towards Lime Kiln and perhaps will continue that route when dinner is over. My final count were six animals. The first four observed met the look of the T18s, but then I started seeing two other bulls. Might have been the same bulls, over and over again, but I don't think so. Hope they head towards the hydrophone so we can figure out Bigg’s or Ressie's. Nice to see some life out there! I was spotting from Ten Mile Point - Victoria. -George Hamilton [WSSJI]
16:05 - Report of two male orcas heading towards Lime Kiln from Discovery Island (coming across Haro). -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Jan 22 - Puget Sound - 10:30 - Hey friends - Just saw info on FB [credit post from Eric E Matthew, Bainbridge Island] of what looks to be a humpback off of Yeomalt. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
Orca Network so glad Doug and you confirmed what this was. I was on the 09:40 Bainbridge Island ferry heading into Seattle, already heading into the channel when a nearby passenger spotted it. We were just close enough to see it wasn't an orca, but too far to identify (I think my sister messaged you while we were talking on the phone about it). It was stunning even from that distance. Wish I had my eyes open when we were pulling out of Eagle Harbor! -Victoria H. Irwin
09:40 - My sister just called and said they saw a big whale from the Bainbridge ferry this morning (09:40), appearing southbound. A little north of Eagle harbor. Not an orca. -Jill Irwin
09:30 - This morning from Bainbridge Island, Wing Point looking towards Seattle.Link to video. -screengrab from video by Doug Albright, January 22, 2024
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 22 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch)
11:24 - Another direction change for Little Patch. He is now moved further offshore Baby Island Heights (private community). He is further north of last update facing northwest. He may just be circling around in wide area.
11:15 - Little Patch moved offshore headed a bit north, milled around for fifteen minutes and now has turned and is facing/making his way back southeast. Thinking he may be resting before high tide feeding [approx. 48.105667, -122.519866]. -Marilyn & Alisa
09:50 - 10:50 - Little Patch stalled out east of Baby Island. He was feeding close inshore for a while then slowly moved offshore and the. Resumed westbound travel towards Baby Island but before reaching it he then turned north and was last facing that direction. He’s moving slow, couple exhalations when surfaces then down for several minutes [approx. 48.100131, -122.516546]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
CRC53 Little Patch
09:46 - Marilyn Armbruster just found NPS gray whale CRC53 Little Patch about quarter to half mile east of Baby Island heading west on the Whidbey side of Saratoga Passage. -photos by Marilyn Armbruster, January 22, 2024
January 21
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 21 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch) - CRC53 Little Patch
17:06 - Heading out now, too dark to see much. Gray last seen just south of Baby Island (from my perspective), still southbound.
16:55 - Still slowly southbound off north end of Camano Island State Park, midchannel. Long downtimes and shallow surfacings [approx. 48.118358, -122.523804].
16:42 - Slowly southbound off north end Camano Island State Park, midchannel or slightly west. -back of camera photo & ID by Serena Tierra, January 21, 2024
16:45 - Gray still making their way south, south of my last reported location. Regular surface intervals of three to four exhalations, shallow surface, shallow dives. At times seeing a head surface.
16:38 - Gray still traveling steady southbound. Generally mid channel between Hidden Beach, Camano Island State Park, and Baby Island. Heart-shaped blows and all… [approx. 48.124674, -122.525389].
16:25 - Gray is continuing southbound travels mid channel, somewhat shallow surfacings. Sightline Hidden Beach to house at very north end Camano Island State Parks. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
16:18 - Gray has continued to trend south since Alisa's last update. Now just north of Camano Island State Park, midchannel. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
16:11 - Gray surface slightly south of last update and is moving southbound. Probably just circling around out here.
16:08 - Marilyn and I spotted gray slightly north of transect north end Cama State Park and Hidden Beach. Just west of mid channel facing northwest. Not going anywhere too fast. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
15:54 - Has trended back towards the Camano side, slowly northbound. Almost out of view for me [approx. 48.133412, -122.521923]. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
15:50 - Last sighting was at the pin [approx. 48.127036, -122.509678]. I’m distracted by birds. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
15:43 - Gray now appears to be closer to midchannel, south of Cama Beach. Viewing from north end of Camano Island State Park. Too far for ID unfortunately.
15:39 - Just saw a blow north of Camano Island State Park, Camano side of Saratoga. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
15:34 - Update from Jason in Orca Network Community Group that the whale is now north of Camano Island State Park but still visible from the park.
15:22 - Saw a blow south of Hidden Beach about ten minutes ago. Nothing since. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
15:03 - We're at Camano Island State Park right now near the boat launch looking west. Lone grey is about halfway across or closer to Whidbey [northbound]. So just north of Greenbank. -Jason D. Davis [ONCG]
Sun, Jan 21 - Possession Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: John Shackman
Date of Sighting: January 21, 2024
Time: 9:45 AM
Species seen: Possibly a Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Off Jetty Island
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: For past hour seen in one area by Jetty Island
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
January 20
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Jan 20 - Puget Sound (T90s)
17:17 - Viewing from Shore Meadows - in waning light, just saw some beautiful blows and fins. Whidbey side of mid. Traveling north with purpose. Goodnight orcas! -Cindi Crowder Rausch
15:27 - Majia Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 15:31 to report: Spokane Master reports one orca off the EDM waterfront headed North.
15:00 - I just saw a male one, headed towards Point No Point, but closer to Whidbey. And a boat is too close to the pod.
14:58 - I'm at Eglon Beach, still northbound but they are taking long dives, hard to see which direction they are headed.
14:46 - Closer to the Possession Triangle. -Catherine Alvarado Soto
12:36 - They’re moving alongside Edmonds! I was viewing from Bainbridge when they spouted between Woodway and Edmonds, traveling quickly north. -Kirstie Black
12:07 - Spotted a bunch of blows (no binoculars with me) in Shilshole Bay headed north towards Golden Gardens. -Rachel Bernal
11:40 - Here [approx. 47.700213, -122.466303].
11:35 - Long downtimes!
11:30 - Approaching quickly Fay Bainbridge. Northbound. Viewing from West Point. -Fusako Nozaka
11:20 - Approaching yellow buoy mid channel northbound. Long down times.
11:12 - Close to Seattle side approaching Discovery Point lighthouse. -Alexander Simenstad
10:35 - Just saw three orcas, one male north of Eagle Harbor northbound from Alki 1500 block. -Fei Cheng
10:15 - Ts northbound leisurely past Restoration Point as viewed from Manchester, mid channel. -Noelle Morris
10:28 - Unknown pod spotted headed north from the Bremerton ferry, south end of Bainbridge Island. -Lauren Treese-Ellebracht
10:20 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:22 to report: Captain [of WALLA WALLA] reports 1 Orca heading North, 1.5 miles east of Restoration Point.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Jan 20 - San Juan Channel - 08:20 - Report from the ferry of a humpback heading south outside Friday Harbor, continuing south down San Juan Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 20 - Saratoga Passage - 17:07 - Just saw gray whale blow north of Fox Spit. Not close to shore, northbound I think. Viewing from Camano Island State Park. -Krista Paulino
11:15 - After relocating I could not spot the grey. But around 10:45 I could see blows on the north side of Baby Island and again blows to the west side of Baby Island which meant at that time was heading towards Holmes Harbor. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:46 - Long-time volunteer Marilyn Armbruster messaged to report she spotted a gray whale near Baby Island heading in a southerly direction towards Holmes Harbor. She is relocating and will update if she gets eyes on the whale again.
January 19
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Jan 19 - South Puget Sound (Presume T90s) - 16:00 - I spotted three to four orcas (one male) today between Harstine and Herron Island in Case Inlet.Headed north toward Allyn. -Laurie Mathews
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Jan 19 - Hale Passage
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Max Harger
Date of Sighting: January 19, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Between Lummi Island and Lummi Reservation
Direction of travel : SE
Behaviors observed: Surfacing for air quite frequently (~every 30 seconds)
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: A KGMI reported suggested a report the sighting. I have a low quality video if you’d like it.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org - screengrab from video by Max Harger, January 19, 2024
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 19 - Saratoga Passage
14:50 - Marilyn Armbruster and I had to leave, gray whale continue tracking due north, with some pauses, just to the northwest of Baby Island. See map for general location [approx. 48.104085 -122.530680].
14:20 - 14:40 - I found a gray whale! Marilyn and I were watching about 20 eagles and other marine life when I spotted a whale submerging! A gray whale coming out of the entrance to Holmes Harbor, about eighth mile west of Baby Island, Whidbey, slowly traveling northbound. Currently about quarter mile northwest of the island. Shallow surfaces, some water disturbances. Too far to say who. Neighbor said whale was out in same general area yesterday afternoon. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Fri, Jan 19 - Possession Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: John Shackman
Date of Sighting: January 19, 2024
Time: 3:30 PM
Species seen: 1 possible Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: 48.0613 -122.2509
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: off of Jetty Island, heading southbound for the past half hour
Photos available?: No
Fri, Jan 19 - Holmes Harbor - 15:04 - Gray whale in Holmes Harbor which is across from park. Close to Baby Island. -Susan Wood
January 18
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Jan 18 - South Puget Sound (T90s)
14:48 - Looks like they have resumed northwest travels headed back towards Case Inlet/Zittles.
14:39 - Looks like maybe some milling activity (saw a spy hop) just outside Thompson Cove. -photo by April Janice Basham, January 18, 2024
14:32 - Saw an orca off DD trail in Dupont. -Katie Smith
14:02 - Sequalitchew Creek Trail. -Bee Lorenzen McVicker
13:39 - Right now they are headed south and on south side of Ketron Island. -Paul Davis
13:39 - Moving slowly south.
13:10 - As of five minutes ago they were heading south back towards Nisqually Reach.
13:04 - In between Saltars Point Park in Steilacoom and Ketron Island. Heading south.
12:56 - Just saw two orcas. -Ben Bird
12:54 - Seeing two near Saltars Point. -Paul Davis
12:30 - Headed north mid channel between Ketron and Anderson [Islands]. -Creston Wood
11:40 - [Orcas] on a hunt! I think I saw four, one male for sure [Nisqually Reach area, see map in comments]. -Kirstyn Hughes
GRAY WHALES - Thu, Jan 18 - Saratoga Passage - While out on Friday, January 19, viewing a gray near Baby Island, Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network, relayed that a neighbor said [gray] whale was out in same general area yesterday [01/18] afternoon.
January 17
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Jan 17 - San Juans (T75Bs, T75Cs, T77D) - Despite the snow yesterday on San Juan Island, we ventured out in hopes of having our first orca encounter of 2024 - come along with us in this short video to see what we saw! Link to FB video. -Orca Behavior Institute
Snow day orcas! We caught up with the T75Bs, T75Cs, and T77D as they headed south through Cattle Pass this afternoon. -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, January 17, 2024
13:15 - Ts exiting Cattle Pass - T75Bs, T75Cs, and T77D per Melisa Pinnow. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
13:00 - Visual from Cattle, we believe they are Ts but will hopefully update soon.
12:30 - Seeing four so far, off mid Griffin Bay headed south towards Cattle.
11:15 - Second hand report of about ten orcas traveling south past Friday Harbor about twenty minutes ago! Reportedly passed Turn and possibly heading for Cattle Point. -Cindy Hansen, Orca Network [WSSJI]
Wed, Jan 17 - Central Puget Sound (T100s minus T100E & T101s) - T101B Lagoon - T101A Rush - With a vague early report of orcas in Dalco Passage, I did some quick whale math and headed to the beach with low expectation. What started out as a drizzle, quickly turned into a thick steady rain as I walked down the path and laid eyes on the fog laden waters. I walked from one end of the beach to the other, alone, just me and the crows, listening to the sound of the rain hit the sea. With each passing minute, the chances of seeing fins grew slimmer and slimmer. The tide was very high, higher than normal, and kissed the foot of the lighthouse, no beach to be had, so I stood on a log and called a friend. We were deep in conversation when a disturbance caught my eye right at the fogline straight out in front of me. A couple minutes later, a tall skinny ghost-like fin materialized out of the grey and sunk into the iron colored waters. I quickly got off the phone, tossed the umbrella to the side and hopped on logs to get to the shoreline as that fin got clearer and closer- so close. It was the T101 brothers, Rush/T101A and Lagoon T101B, quietly and leisurely taking their time passing the Point, headed northbound. It's been quite a bit since I've seen them, at least a couple of years, so it was super nice to see them again. Rush/T101A was giving me some of the late T102/Beardslee vibes, as the two of them sport that same crook of the fin that at angles looks as it their fin was put on backwards, lol. Beardslee was such a special whale and deeply missed, still feel little pings of pain seeing two mighty dorsals out there and not three. Just as quietly as they came, they gave a goodbye dive and the water was still again. I figured the rest of them were out in the channel, but not long after, again, out of nowhere, the T100s slid out of the fog, and into view for a brief couple of surfaces before being swallowed up into the grey north. If these groups would have been any farther out, I would have missed them completely. This pass will be folded up and tucked deeply into the heart. Those of you who have had orca encounters know there are some encounters that tug at the heartstrings a little differently, and this was one of them. The deep monochrome grey, the solitude, the sound of rain on the salish, those two big beautiful brothers, the unexpectedness of it all. Pure PNW magic. Link to more photos. -photos & IDs by Marla Smith, January 17, 2024
15:26 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 15:33 to report: 1526hrs:SPOKANE - Vessel reports an undetermined number of orca one mile east of the KING terminal moving in a northerly direction.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Denise Olivier
Date of Sighting: January 17, 2024
Time: 11:59 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Just south of Brace Point heading north close to shore
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Unknown
Any unusual markings?: Too far away
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
11:57 - Wed, Jan 17 - Central Puget Sound (T100s minus T100E & T101s) - Mark A. called to report orcas traveling northbound going past Brace Point within past five minutes. Probably nearing Fauntleroy ferry terminal about now. At least seven whales (mix of male, female, juvenile) close in on east side (as close as yesterday’s southbound pass).
10:25 - On the phone with staffmate Marla Smith who took a chance on Point Robinson! She just watched a nice group of Bigg's transients go by. At least six to seven including who believes is the T101 boys (who were traveling together and bit separate), one other male, at least two females, some youngsters. They passed by heading northbound close inshore! Wet & foggy conditions out there.
07:30 - 08:00 - Orcas passed by Owen Beach between 07:30 and 08:00 before disappearing into the fog. Headed either into Commencement Bay or up East Passage [east side Vashon/Maury Island]. Follow up: four or five. At least one male. Maybe more ahead of them. -Bryan Owens [PSWS]
Wed, Jan 17 - South Puget Sound (T90s) - 16:30 - They were right at the tip of Stretch Island, viewing from Victor side at the pull off. They were circling and didn’t appear to be headed in any direction though we thought they were heading further north (we hoped as we live that way) - observed a little tail. At least one male, a female, possibly two younger looking ones? I think there were four total. -photos by Danielle Ward, January 17, 2024
15:08 - Group is heading north towards Stretch Island along the west shore of Case Inlet. -Trevor Reeves
13:45 - Orcas in Case Inlet, between McMicken and Herron Islands. Looked as if they had a kill. -Jerilyn Evans
12:30 - In Case Inlet, heading north to Vaughn or Allyn. -Dana Clark
11:00 - North of Johnson Point. At least four orcas, heading north up Case Inlet. -Nick Wenzel
08:45 - My son was on the Anderson Island ferry. Spotted these [at least four orcas, including male], heading south toward Ketron Island [video in FB comments]. -Gevan Marrs
GRAY WHALES - Wed, Jan 17 - Possession Sound - 13:30 - John S emailed to report single gray whale in Possession Sound, between Hat Island and Jetty Island [closer to Hat Island though] viewing from Clinton area.
January 16
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Jan 16 - Puget Sound (T90s, T100s minus T100E, T101s, T124As, T124A1, T124A4s, T124C, T124Ds) - T124D3 & T124D Field - T100s & T101s - T124A1 Bonapartes, T124A4 Sabio, T124A7, T124A Kittiwake - Wowza, that was an impressive Tparty! Was able to spend a good portion of the day beach hopping, watching them move down east passage as they pushed south and crossed the channel towards the Island as they passed Point Robinson. The line of big boys was so impressive, seeing T101A, T101B and T100C traveling side by side with their giant dorsals rising above the Salish. Ooo-La-La! Matrilines/members of the T90s, T100s, T101s, and the T124 group (T124As, T124A1, T124A4s, T124C and T124Ds) made up this amazing crew. After traveling in two to three big groups most of the way down east passage, they splintered for a bit once they hit the south end of Vashon but eventually all caught up to each other at sunset as the last of the light faded into the waves down in the Narrows. We are so very lucky in the PNW to live in an area where we have the opportunity to watch these wild beings live their wild lives. They are truly amazing beings. Link to more photos. -photos & IDs by Marla Smith, January 16, 2024
T90B Piglet - T90 Eagle & T90D Kanga -IDs by Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute - Right off Point Ruston. -photos by Craig Goodwin Photography, January 16, 2024
T100 Hutchins - T90D Kanga -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
The encounters lasted only an hour and a quarter in total but felt so much longer! I saw the first group of orcas (split into a couple of groups so too hard to tell how many there were in total) turn by the tip of Maury Island and watched as they hugged the Vashon shore westbound before crossing and heading south towards the Narrows. A second group had come along by Browns Point at the same time and headed down into Commencement Bay, so after watching the first group pass, I ran down towards Northern Fish only to see by the crowds watching along the waterfront, that they’d already turned and were heading back out! Raced back to Dune and arrived just in time to watch the lead group pass close to shore between the container ship and us! Watched them go by and appeared to go on a hunt beside Owen Beach. I missed a beautiful spyhop from one of the pod as at that point I’d already turned to watch the LAST group make their way past us heading west and eventually south with everyone else! Just wow! I believe there were close to 24 orcas passing through yesterday, a number I have never seen before and at one point there just seemed to be orcas everywhere I looked! What a truly incredible, magical afternoon! Link to more photos. -photos by Jennifer Swenson, January 16, 2024
T100 Hutchins, T100C Laurel, T100F Estrella in background - Fin tip of T90B Piglet, T90 Eagle, T90D Kanga -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Sometimes those crazy decisions lead to beautiful things. I initially left this morning for a report of what we thought were residents. Turns out they were transients - 24 of them! I missed the Point Robinson pass, as the ferries weren’t running. Yet I persisted all the way to Des Moines, Dune, and finally Fox Island fishing pier! This northern Washington lady went further than she ever had for the whales and it was worth the troubles. Thank you to everyone who helped me with directions and sightings today. It was chaotic! You are all amazing people. Link to more photos. -photos by Kat Martin, January 16, 2024
Special afternoon with the transient orcas. Link to more photos. -photos by Kyle Anderson, January 16, 2024
T100C Laurel - T100 Hutchins & T100C Laurel -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - Transients as they passed Fox Island fishing pier today, about 16:30. Link to more photos. -photos by Jolena Tagg, January 16, 2024
T100 Hutchins -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - T100C Laurel - From Fox Island. Link to more photos & video. -photos & ID by Jami Cantrell, January 16, 2024
T124A1 Bonaparte -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Today at Owen Beach… so many orcas. A hunt happened right in front of me, and this batch [of photos] is before and during the hunt. The video is a little shaky - I was so excited my heart was pounding and my whole body was shaking. There were orcas behind us closer to Point Defiance and a different group in front of us that went from around Dune Peninsula toward Point Defiance, so two different groups here. Link to more photos - set one. Link to more photos - set two. -photos by Alisa Miller, January 16, 2024
T101B Lagoon, T100F Estrella, T100 Hutchins, T101 Reef - T124D3 & T124D Field - T124A7, T124A4A, T124A4 Sabio -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - From Point Robinson. They traveled so close to each other. Link to more photos. -photos by Monica Zaborac, January 16, 2024
T90B Piglet - T-town (Tacoma) was treated to a T-Party! Say that three times fast. Incredible day seeing so many beautiful transient orcas; I had taken these pics from Dunes Peninsula, Owen Beach and then a very close pass at Titlow Beach! It was great seeing so many people out enjoying these beauties! Link to more photos. -photos by Cherie StOurs, January 16, 2024
T90B Piglet - Another close pass of orcas out at Titlow Beach around 16:00. There were a total seven or eight and separated into two groups. On the far side it looked as if there was a really small baby.These pictures are from the group that cut back across the channel to the east side about 50 meters from the east shore at Titlow. Link to photos of T90s. Link to photos of others.-photos by Craig Killer, January 16, 2024
Looks like 101A was also in the mix. -photo by Orca Conservancy, January 16, 2024
Beautiful day at Owen Beach! -photos by Bee Lorenzen McVicker, January 16, 2024
Spyhopping whale is T90C Tigger - T90B Piglet -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Mike Savoia, January 16, 2024
I wonder what they were saying to each other. -photo by Steph ZP, January 16, 2024
T100C Laurel, T101 Reef, T100 Hutchins, T100F Estrella -photo & IDs by Rachel Haight, January 16, 2024
-photo by Ryan Dicks, January 16, 2024
Some highlights of the Bigg’s T-party in Tacoma. Link to video. -Jason Cook
Condensed version of the hunt off Owen (part of the first group that passed through). I couldn’t believe how close to shore they came!Link to video. -Joe Smith
Thanks to a friend and follower of this group, I was able to see orcas in Commencement Bay from Point Ruston, Tacoma today. Link to video. -Kirstin Elmer
Thanks to all the amazing people at Dune Peninsula. Someone special loaned me their binos so I could see them close up and I met some beautiful people. After two years up here from Colorado I finally got to see them! Love this group and can’t wait to go on many many more adventures. BIG thanks [to] Jami Cantrell for guiding me there. -Cristy Daniels Balzly
The mountains were quite the backdrop [video in FB comments]! -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
17:10 - Thank you Jami! Just watched them swim past Steilacoom. I hadn’t seen them this close to our side of the channel before. -Amy Sloan Bryan
17:09 - From best I can tell all have officially continued southbound past Anderson Island headed towards Nisqually. Last update of the night. What a whale of a day. -April Janice Basham
17:01 - At least four here now, milling around. -Laura Kozar Batanian
17:00 - Can see some skirting Carr Inlet towards Anderson Island still all southbound.
16:58 - At Sunnyside Beach spread and still southbound. -April Janice Basham
16:58 - Just saw them almost to Sunnyside in Steilacoom. Pretty far out. -Ben Bird
16:55 - At least three more trailing second group also mid channel approaching buoy. All female or juvenile.
16:51 - At least three further out from shore off Chambers Bay, mid channel southbound, approaching the buoy, two bulls in this group.
16:47 - Just had four pass us very close at Chambers Bay, heading into Sunnyside Beach area just feet offshore. -Melissa Bird
16:47 - Chambers Bay pass. I believe these are the four that Cherie StOurs saw just off Titlow, then I watched them pass super close to Day Island. Think they hugged the shore all the way to Chambers. Volume up [video in FB comments]! -Melissa Bird
16:46 - In front of Chambers foot bridge now. -Ben Bird
16:30 - Short clip from the Fox Island fishing pier [video in FB comments]. -Jami Cantrell
16:25 - Second pod of five heading south. -Brianna Aratin
16:20 - Beautiful pass Titlow Beach close to Titlow side there heading south toward Chambers Bay, four of them. -Cherie StOurs
16:20 - Day Island is getting an incredible pass right now with a HUGE bull... have at least seven in main Narrows channel spread out, southbound towards Fox Island Fishing Pier. -Melissa Bird
16:18 - Still barely visible from Narrows Beach but appear to be in front of Fox Island pier now, southbound. -Montana Jade McLeod
16:15 - Have had both groups disappear at Point Fosdick but I think I'm seeing blows just inside of Hales Passage, more on Fox Island side, westbound. -Melissa Bird
16:13 - Both pods. -Brianna Aratin
16:09 - Heading toward Wollochet. -Dave McCaig
16:04 - First pod. Second is just south of bridge.
16:03 - [approx. 47.251100, -122.573830]. -Brianna Aratin
16:03 - Have a group of five to eight with three bulls one calf approaching Point Fosdick southbound so close to Gig Harbor shore! -Melissa Bird
16:03 - Second group is under Narrows Bridge, heading south.
16:00 - Can see them at Chambers Bay Golf Course, from the Gig Harbor side.15:49 - Currently under Narrows Bridge. -Dave McCaig
15:55 - Lead group just south of Narrows Park. Trailing group to north of us. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:38 - Leaders approaching the bridge headed south mid channel. -Jami Cantrell
15:30 - Second set heading to Narrows.
15:26 - Looks like they may be getting ready to head down towards the Narrow Bridge, they've disappeared. I haven't seen them in about five to ten minutes. -David Bennett
15:25 - Viewing from Salmon Beach leaders are already rounding the corner south towards the Narrows. Should be visible from Narrows Park any minute. -Jami Cantrell
15:19 - There are at least three (at least one male) midpoint Owen and Vashon headed west near ferry lane. Six, including a baby, just went around the point toward the Narrows. -Alisa Miller
15:15 - Still slowly, heading towards the Narrows Bridge, but man they put on a great show on their way from Owen to the tip of Point Defiance. -Kelly Kauffman Wisniewski
15:15 - Two groups, one close to shore (at least four) west of Owen Beach, one further out mid channel (this is the group that was in Commencement Bay five plus) moving with more purpose towards Gig Harbor/Narrows. -Melissa Bird
15:15 - Leaders here heading south. -Jami Cantrell
15:15 - There is a good sized group headed towards the Narrows Bridge. Close to Gig Harbor side.-Sydney Haglund
15:12 - Westbound. Group of four or five - heading towards Owens - crossing ferry path - mid channel. -Kevin M. Harris
15:04 - Hell of a show in front of Owen. They're currently trying to fight the outgoing tide thing towards Narrows. Small ones are pretty far back. Between Gig & Point Defiance. Larger ones are closer to Gig. Smaller ones have moved up more midchannel. -David Bennett
15:02 - Pretty far out from Ruston, mid channel or more, westbound approaching Point Ruston, all grouped up at a leisurely pace.
15:01 - Stunner of a pass off Ruston with our snow covered mountains all lit up. Really hope some of you got some photos of them with the mountains! -Melissa Bird
15:00 - Near the cargo ship. Westbound off Point Ruston towards Point Defiance. -Kevin M. Harris
14:55 - At least five just surfaced in front of Les Davis Pier.
14:50 - The two males are exiting Commencement Bay, midway between Katie Downs and Browns Point. -Johnny Collard
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Alexandria Johnson
Date of Sighting: January 16, 2024
Time: 2:50 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Ruston Point, WA
Direction of travel : W, NW
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?: Don’t know
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I’m so happy I got to see orcas
Photos available?: No
14:45 - Today was my first experience seeing orcas in the wild ever, and I do have to say it was truly one of my favorite experiences to date! Got some pretty awesome photos and videos but I’d say this was probably the best still. Past Owen Beach. -photo by Michael Haskins, January 16, 2024
14:45 - Commencement Bay group exiting the bay now, mid channel westbound off Chinese Reconciliation Park. Five to seven here, three adult male. -Melissa Bird
14:45 - This was taken past Owen Beach towards the tip of Point Defiance. It was amazing! This is the first of many. I have such great footage I don’t know where to begin. -Kelly Kauffman Wisniewski
14:42 - The group in Commencement is mid channel ish close too Ruston. Slowly trending toward Owen. -Kai Hearn
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Alexandria Johnson
Date of Sighting: January 16, 2024
Time: 2:41 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Ruston Point
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1 male
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Four orcas, two females one male one baby (I think)
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
14:40 - One male, two females, one baby, heading north from Ruston Point. -photo by Alex Johnson, January 16, 2024
14:40 - They are right in front of Ruston way right now. -Tina Ann
14:39 - Commencement Bay group about to pass old Silver Cloud Inn. Slowly traveling out of the bay. Ruston side. Two small boats following. -Krista Baker
14:37 - Three heading west along Ruston Way past the Ram. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
Tue, Jan 16 - Puget Sound (T90s, T100s minus T100E, T101s, T124As, T124A1, T124A4s, T124C, T124Ds)
It was a beautiful day of orca in the wild where they belong. Owen Beach, Tacoma WA. Link to video. -Gennie Aloise
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Harrison Mott
Date of Sighting: January 16, 2024
Time: 2:32 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 10
Where seen: Northwest tip of Point Defiance Park
Direction of travel : West
Behaviors observed: Hunting, feeding, many birds with them
If orcas, any males?: 2
Any unusual markings?: Too far away to tell
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I was hiking the blue trail at the park and saw two pods 50 yards apart right near the shore. I recorded each group separately. 30 minutes later on my hike I saw another pod to the west of the park looking towards Gig Harbor
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org -photo by Harrison Mott, January 16, 2024
11:00 - Anna Fleming called to relay a report from a friend who lives in West Seattle who just saw five to six orca heading south [between] West Seattle and Vashon. Will email video.
14:30 - Group deep inside Commencement has turned off the grainery, is now westbound towards Ruston, closer to Tacoma shoreline. -Melissa Bird
14:26 - Can see both groups down past Owen Beach. -Michael Haskins
14:24 - Two males inside Commencement, look to be the 101 boys? -April Janice Basham
14:22-There are at least seven plus whales still in Commencement Bay closer to Port side. No committed direction. -Candace Gavin
14:21 - At least five with three adult males deep in Commencement Bay, mid channel off the grainery leisurely surfacing & trending towards the Port/Theas Park. -Melissa Bird
14:19 - Michael Haskins [video in FB comments from Owen Beach].
14:15 - Got to see them swim through the ferry lane while on the ferry from Vashon to Point Defiance. Leading group with Cooper went past Owen with at least four to five others. -Mollie Segall
14:14 - At least two orcas on the far east side of Commencement Bay, close to shore, heading south. Viewing from Ruston they’re in front of the cranes. -Kirsten Vacura
14:12 - They're passing through the ferry lane. Halfway between Owen & Vashon. Heading west. -David Bennett
14:05 - Sighting at Browns Point right now. Two or three headed east.
14:00 - There are five orcas traveling halfway in between Point Defiance and Brown’s Point, heading into the Port of Tacoma. Spotted now!
14:00 - By the Port area. -Candace Gavin
13:58 - The ones that were heading toward the port seem to be heading back out, but others look to be heading in. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
13:58 - Just outside Tyee Marina. Slowly heading deeper into the port. -Krista Baker
13:55 - Group maybe hunting by Cliff House. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:50 - Just got off the phone with Candace Gavin, she is seeing three groups that have split. One group was heading into the Commencement Bay area, one group was near an incoming southbound containership near the south end of Maury surfing the wake, and one group was headed west towards Quartermaster Harbor on the Maury Island side. This could get complicated as they split, please be detailed when updating the threads with as much detail as possible!
13:47 - From my vantage it appears there are some that have possibly changed directions/hunting and mid channel Gold Beach. -April Janice Basham
13:46 - Just rounded Browns Point towards the Port. -Eileen Mccaffery-Lent
13:38 - Midchannel approaching Browns Point. -Greg Brossart
13:31 - The mainland group is still southbound approaching Browns Point.
13:17 - Two groups of whales still leisurely southbound. One group is on the Maury side and the other is on the mainland side. The group on the mainland side is slowly approaching Browns Point. The Maury whales are approximately Gold Beach. -April Janice Basham
13:09 - Straight across from Dash Point on Maury side. -Brenda Gehl Bae
12:50 - Just stepped on the beach right in time, gorgeous pass by Point Robinson, close in to island side, two large groups about six to eight each, at least four males, saw one lone whale way away from everyone but traveling in tandem. Southbound leisurely but with purpose. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
12:40 - From Point Robinson. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
Lots of whales at least two young'ns. From Point Robinson. -Jim Pasola
From Point Robinson. -photo by Mollie Segall, January 16, 2024
T100s & T101s - Point Robinson. -photo by Ryan Dicks, January 16, 2024
12:41 - Tight group of eight in front of Des Moines marina. Four males. Heading south. Second group [off] Point Robinson. Two males. Southbound. -Burt Miller
12:40 - I'm on the phone with Rachel Haight, Orca Network who is viewing from Des Moines Sound View park viewing the orcas south of the yellow mid channel buoy east side of the channel heading southbound quickly and long down times. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:37 - There are two groups of whales still southbound. One on the east side of the channel and one on the west side of the channel with two large males randomly by themselves following behind. They appear to be officially approaching Point Robinson.
12:28 - Still southbound now crossing back out mid channel west still approaching Point Robinson. -April Janice Basham
12:23 - Des Moines marina, can see well with binoculars. -Erin Gorr
12:18 - Looks like eight to ten porpoising southbound. -Scott Hill
12:17 - Orcas are still southbound just north of Point Robinson. They have moved slightly more east. -April Janice Basham
12:17 - Past KVI, nearing Des Moines. -Scott Hill
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Geoff Menzies
Date of Sighting: January 16, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 15
Where seen: Lincoln Park
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Travelling
If orcas, any males?: Think so
Any unusual markings?: Too far away
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
11:46 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: I got a call from the terminal supervisor at Fauntleroy - it was quite the show for them from the dock!
11:39 - Seeing blows and fins across the channel from Vashon deep in the mirage line just a bit south of Seahurst, north of Three Tree, headed southbound quickly, much closer to mainland side. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
11:38 - Seeing from Seahurst neighborhood by Vashon ferry dock heading south FAST. -Susan Plecko
11:33 - Charlie Leahey, WSF called to report at least nine orcas just passed by Fauntleroy dock heading southbound hugging east side. Two bulls tightly bound leading ahead with larger group tight together with a bull trailing that group. Behaviorally they seemed more like residents than transients.
11:25 - Beautiful blows still visible from Lincoln Park steady southbound south of Dilworth.
11:15 - Steady southbound south of Fauntleroy ferry lane east of mid channel view from Lincoln Park. -Mary Hartmann
11:12 - Just passed Brace Point. Big group, in two smaller groups, moving at a good clip. -photo by Amy Converse, January 16, 2024
11:10 - Super close pass at Fauntleroy! They snuck up on us. -Pia VanHanen
11:10 - Just saw five of them just south of ferry. -Monica Zaborac
11:07 - About fourteen orcas just passed my house - literally, MUCH further east than I have ever seen SRKW travel, and at one point they all turned and headed east toward the shore in a row, then turned again and split into smaller groups to continue south. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
11:06 - Orca sighting off West Seattle. -Anna Flemming
11:01 - There were five or six, moving south very quickly out from Emma Schmitz. This was ten minutes ago. -Lars Goble
10:51 - Watching from Constellation Park. There are two groups swimming closely together. It looks like four or five individuals in each group. Southbound midway between West Seattle and Vashon. It seems. And movement visible without binoculars. -photo by Kathleen Fife, January 16, 2024
T124C Cooper - T100C Laurel -IDs by Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout & Orca Network
10:39 - Just passed Constellation Park heading south - quickly. -photos by Greg Snyder, January 16, 2024
10:31 - Watching from Alki near bathhouse. At least four individuals, at least one male. Southbound. Closer to Bainbridge Island side of sound but can see dorsals and movement without binoculars. -Kathleen Fife
10:01 - From Duwamish Head, orcas south of Bainbridge ferry, multiple adult males; Bainbridge ferry headed west has diverted to the north, Kitsap ferry has stopped. -Josh Nutter
10:23 - I saw them last about thirty minutes ago, they seemed to be going into Elliot Bay towards West Seattle. Probably twelve! I saw at least eight blows and surfaces at one time. Seemed like multiple calves? -Natalija Naruna
09:52 - Pod of orcas swimming right between Elliot Bay Marina and Alki right now. We see them from our house on the Magnolia Bluff. -Christina Storm
09:49 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:20 to report: 0949hrs: Vessel CHIMACUM reports via 800MHz they've spotted 6-8 orcas heading southbound, located 1 mile North of the SEA/BI run on the outskirts of Elliott Bay.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Connie Jarowey
Date of Sighting: January 16, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Puget Sound traveling about 400 yds off eastern shore from Discovery Point down into Elliott Bay
Direction of travel : S at rapid pace
Behaviors observed: Traveling, breaching, tail slaps from several smaller ones
If orcas, any males?: 1 very large dorsal fin in pod
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Male consistently swam behind the others
Photos available?: No
09:19 - There’s so many; way more than five to six. -Natalija Naruna
08:52 - I have a report of orcas, five or six, traveling south, off Discovery Park. My son saw them from a house he’s working at Magnolia, about ten minutes ago. [Photos taken by her son at time of original report.] -photo courtesy of Joni Pollino, January 16, 2024
GRAY WHALES - Tue, Jan 16 - Possession Sound - 13:58 - Gray Whale sighting between Hat Island and Everett. No ID took a deep dive. -Rachel Potter
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: John Shackman
Date of Sighting: January 16, 2024
Time: 8:04 AM
Species seen: Possibly GRAY
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: LAT 48.00823 LON - 122.2602
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Possibly the same one I’ve been seeing for the past few days. Still too far for me to get a picture but seeing spouting with binoculars and the location is approximate, but probably pretty close to it.
Photos available?: No
January 15
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Jan 15 - San Juans - 16:35 - Two orcas heading north through Cattle Pass. Just passed Goose Island. -Janelle Colleran-Owens [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Mon, Jan 15 - Possession Sound
Webform report from John S:
Date of Sighting: January 15, 2024
Time: 4:45 PM
Species seen: POSSIBLE GRAY
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: LAT 48.0094 LON - 122.2508
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Saw spouting multiple times too far to get a good photo. Between Jetty Island, Priest point, and Hat Island
Photos available?: No
Mon, Jan 15 - Saratoga Passage (CRC53 Little Patch) - 14:20 - South of Pebble Beach now, hugging Camano coast closely. -photo by Thomas McKane, January 15, 2024
14:12 - Still milling around Pebble Beach, only blows visible. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
14:01 - North of Pebble Beach closer to Camano side headed south.
13:48 - Nearing Pebble Beach and fast. -Thomas McKane
13:41 - Has been milling in the same area. Moved west towards midchannel, then south, now pointed north again close to Camano north of Pebble Beach. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
13:39 - Flipped south now.
13:37 - Mid channel in front of Summerland. Not moving in any direction currently and staying down a long time. -Thomas McKane
13:29 - Another blow. Same area as before, maybe a bit further north. Long downtimes. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
1317 - Watching from Sandy Point. From this perspective they are a little south of Summerland. Headed west/northwest maybe? Last blow was further south, so feeding? -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:07 - I saw a second blow and it looked like it was somewhere between Pebble Beach and Summerland at that time.
13:02 - Just saw a blow from Mabana, Camano side of Saratoga north of Pebble Beach. Probably off Summerland area but tough to gauge distance from this perspective. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
12:51 - Trending north.
12:46 - Friend reports a blow seen here, maybe milling/feeding? -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:30 - Gray in Saratoga Passage at Pebble Beach off Camano's west side thirty minutes ago, headed north. -Lisa Kepler
CRC53 Little Patch
11:00 - Gray is getting closer to Camano Head and the channel marker, but Saratoga side.
10:45 - Gray at about mid channel Sandy Point/Camano Head appearing to be moving north, northwesterly. He's barely blowing, at least not tall blows. -back of camera photo by Marilyn Armbruster, January 15, 2024
10:45 - Gray spotted from Mission Beach other side of channel by Hat [Island], very far out. -photo by Jaime Shields, January 15, 2024
January 14
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 14 - Haro Strait - 09:28 - Ts still audible and visible on the LK webcam. At about 09:22 there was a nice burst of moderately loud calls. Lovely morning in the PNW. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network [WSSJI]
09:03 - Can still hear very faint calls on the Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
08:38 - Still appear to be prey sharing per webcam. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
08:11 - That was fun, breaching at 08:11. Thanks for the excellent camera work Fred.
07:41 - Transients. Such beautiful sounds to hear early morning. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network [WSSJI]
07:48 - Have them due west of Lime Kiln. Mid-haro.
07:14 - Orcas on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
GRAY WHALES - Sun, Jan 14 - Possession Sound (CRC2246) - 13:56 - Gray? In front of Spee Bi Dah going north. -PS Chat
11:10 - [Gray] was westbound, but then turned north. - 10:44 - Just passing between Hat and Camano now! -Dianna B [HIWS]
10:35 - DM to Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network, video by Aimee Caccavale [HIWS].
09:40 - Gray whale having a bit of shrimp off Mermaid Cove next to Hat Island Marina.
09:08 - Gray whale spouting about in Possession Sound mid channel heading towards the northeast side of Hat [Island]. -Kelly [HIWS]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: John Shackman
Date of Sighting: January 14, 2024
Time: 8:10 AM
Species seen: Possible Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Off Jetty Island
Direction of travel : North bound
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Found through binoculars sorry to far to get pictures.
Photos available?: No
PORPOISES - Sun, Jan 14 - Central Puget Sound - 15:00 - Took advantage of the sunshine and met up with some whale friends at Owen Beach, no whales to be found but we did see this pair of harbor porpoises as they traveled west in Dalco Passage. The one in the back appears to be smaller and had a smaller dorsal. Link to more photos. -photo by Jolena Tagg, January 14, 2024
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Sun, Jan 14 - Rosario Strait
16:43 - I lost light, but did still see occasional distant blows spanning from south of Clark Island to that midpoint in Rosario between Clark and Puffin [Islands].
15:54 - Possible whales multiple blows seen heading south spread out in Rosario Street mid Orcas Island near Eastsound and south of that. Must be much closer to the Orcas shoreline, as I can’t see the blows as well anymore. -Silver Hubble
January 13
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Jan 13 - Admiralty Inlet (T124As, T124A4s, T124Ds)
15:36 - Possible direction change: I’m seeing spouts and splashing closer to Port Townsend appear more southbound now.
15:31 - I’ve seen them surface four times and seem to be about mid channel. Coupeville ferry dock and Fort Casey would be good places to head to now. Watching with high powered binoculars from my house.
15:22 - Actually probably at least five or six - still slowly northbound and tightly grouped.
15:19 - Waiting for them to surface again - maybe three tightly grouped together. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
15:15 - Orcas slowly headed north in Admiralty in shipping lanes. -Jennifer Fulton Carpenter [ONCG]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Lachlan Pope
Date of Sighting: January 13, 2024
Time: 1:07 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Approx. one mile West of Lagoon Point on the west side of Whidbey Island, Island County
Direction of travel : North, Fast pace
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: No males
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
T124A Kittiwake -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Lachlan Pope, January 13, 2024
GRAY WHALES - Sat, Jan 13 - Possession Sound - 15:51 - Gray offshore mainland side [Port Susan] about 300 yds, headed south, seen from Tulalip Shores. Angling south east toward Tulalip Bay. -PSWW Chat
12:15 - Grey whale seen from Mission Beach [Tulalip]. Appeared to be circling between Priest Point and Hat Island. Link to video. -photo by Jaime Shields, January 13, 2024
UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES - Sat, Jan 13 - Rosario Strait
15:00 - Still looked like four but not one hundred percent on that.
14:38 - Possibly towards Hale Passage, the bird or whale game is a little bit tricky today in the distortion, I moved locations and think I have found what I saw before.
12:57 - Not confirmed, but watched for a while, saw at least four distinct blows that I followed for a bit south from Matia Island to now what appears to be somewhere in Rosario between Orcas Island and Clark. Unfortunately, now in the direct sun, so I’m unable to continue to watch for a bit. Moving southbound. Lots of bird activity and a little bit of a weird distortion, but consistent pattern with blows and direction. It did look more like orca than baleen based on frequency, and how quickly I saw them again, and how close they were together. -Silver Hubble
January 12
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Jan 12 - T124As, T124A4s, T124Ds (Puget Sound) - 16:38 - I have been at the Fox Island fishing Pier for the last twenty plus minutes and I could see very distant blows at the south tip of McNeil. Not sure of direction. -April Janice Basham
16:30 - The whales disappeared into the sunset between McNeil Island and Anderson Island. -Ryan Dicks
15:59 - Just spotted them off the southeast side of Fox Island, turned and heading back towards the pier. -Laura Kozar Batanian
15:33 - From the Fox Island Pier. HOLY BRRRRRR [video in FB comments]. -April Janice Basham
15:30 - Managed to catch this group of orcas this afternoon as they passed by Fox Island Pier. Seemed to be around five but very hard to tell in those conditions with the choppy water and freezing temperatures making it hard to focus! -photos by Jennifer Swenson, January 12, 2024
15:30 - Passed the Fox Island Fishing Pier southbound. -David Michael
15:12 - Out of view from Titlow, heading towards Chambers Bay.
15:06 - Cruising past Titlow, closer to Gig Harbor side. -Kirsten Vacura
15:07 - They are moving along pretty quickly. About in front of Titlow.
14:57 - Just under the Narrows now! -Katrina Larsen
14:45 - Three to four orca southbound in the Narrows approaching the bridge. -David Michael
13:45 - Killer whale at Owen Beach. -Brianna Aratin
13:45 - Viewing from Owen Beach - a group of orcas are still on the Vashon side! It was hard to say, but definitely three or more. -Nori Kimura
HUMPBACK WHALES - Fri, Jan 12 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - 13:42 - Viewing from Owen Beach CRC-20899 was in front of Vashon ferry ten minutes ago. A group of orcas are still at Vashon side! Humpback was swimming towards Browns Point [at] that time. -Nori Kimura
11:21 - Humpback mid[way] between Owen Beach and Point Dalco. Milling, trending eastbound. -Blake Kremer
GRAY WHALES - Fri, Jan 12 - Possession Sound - 11:40 - Found the Possession Sound baleen whale [confirmed gray]! Currently northbound here-ish [approx. 48.018563, -122.257654]. Hard to confirm if it’s a gray or humpback yet. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
08:15 - We had our first gray whale sighting of the year from home. A lone whale in the shallows of the Snohomish River delta, west of Jetty Island. It seemed to be heading east, toward Jetty Island. Too distant for photos. We saw several exhalations before the wind came up making observation difficult. -Sharon Johnson [PSWS]
January 11
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Jan 11 - Puget Sound - 11:14 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 11:46 to report: 1114hrs: Vessel SPOKANE reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single orca heading North in the traffic lanes.
10:50 - Sara Frey relayed report of possible orcas off President Point, Kingston. This was a third hand report, she's not seen them yet further north, but also may have missed if they continued north.
10:35 - Off President Point, Kitsap side. At least two, maybe three. Traveling north. At least one big male. -Joanne Graves
HUMPBACK WHALES - Thu, Jan 11 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - Thanks to April Janice Basham and Candace Gavin (and so many others on this page) for being such great stewards of these beautiful creatures and for helping protect the baby seal on the beach today at Owen Beach at Point Defiance! It was lovely to get to talk with you this evening and to see your passion in action. I hope to run into you ladies again sometime, when I make another attempt to see the humpback or a pod of the orcas we've been so blessed to enjoy in our area! -Shannan Cummings Genest
11:53 - Just spotted the humpback CRC- 20899 off southwest tip of Vashon from Owen Beach. - Very hard to see in the choppy water, saw him fluke maybe twice and a couple of blows as he swam between Vashon and over by Sunrise. Appeared to be heading east along Vashon when last sighted. -photos by Jennifer Swenson, January 11, 2024
16:50 - Still at the top at Owen Beach, heading in the direction of Dune.
16:40 - At Owen Beach near the tip of Point Defiance. -Carly Kaiser
16:10 - Just dove - visible with binoculars from Dune Peninsula out in Dalco Passage. -Kalika CeCe
16:10 - Just fluked near south end of Sunrise. -Jason Cook
15:25 - Calling it a day, very choppy water making it difficult to keep eyes on it. Good luck! -Cherie StOurs
15:25 - Seeing it now from Dalco Passage viewpoint. -Steve Gardner
13:49 - Just milling in between Gig Harbor and the Point.
13:38 - Just seen him out in Dalco/Narrows from Owens. Very choppy but beautiful lighting. -Cherie StOurs
13:01 - He is literally in between Gig Harbor, Vashon and Owen's Beach making a horseshoe shape almost. Rinse and repeat. This little humpy seems to have a pattern. -April Janice Basham
12:54 - I got a video and photos from Point Ruston when I seen it. Looked like a log in the water till it dived again. Used my Nikon P600. -photo by Jerry Hughes, January 11, 2024
12:00 - In west Dalco milling [approx. 47.329765, -122.539546]. -David Michael
11:33 - Now headed east towards the ferry lanes. Moving towards Owen Beach side of mid channel.
11:27 - Just back and forth in the same general area to the west of the Tahlequah ferry dock. Mid channel.
10:45 -Humpback in Dalco Passage, near southwest corner of Vashon Island headed westbound. -Candace Gavin
January 10
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Jan 10 - Puget Sound (T124As, T124A4s, T124Ds) - 16:53 - Just passed Three Tree Point heading south steadily, eastside of channel. -Christina Van Wolbeck Fenerty
16:41 - I see them far north of Three Tree Point [approx. 47.500110, -122.390045]. -Tomoko Boerman
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jason Watt
Date of Sighting: January 10, 2024
Time: 4:20 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Seahurst Park
Direction of travel : South, slow
Behaviors observed: Unknown
If orcas, any males?: Can't remember - maybe? - saw maybe 3 different fins, one was smaller.
Any unusual markings?: No, used binocs and telescope
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
16:11 - Just passed by Seola Greenbelt close to West Seattle side. -Jack Cheng
15:41 - Just passed by the Vashon ferry terminal headed towards Vashon. -Laura Newman
15:15 - In line with Dilworth towers from Emma Schmitz, four or five orcas southwest bound. -Mary Hartmann
15:09 - Two male(?) trending south just north of Lincoln Park. Viewed from Constellation Park. -Patti Waterfall
15:00 - Two east of mid channel between Emma Schmitz and yellow buoy southbound. -Mary Hartmann
14:58 - Just boarded Bainbridge Island ferry - crew confirmed they saw them as they were crossing and whales were headed south! -Kimberly Sylvester
14:56 - Four to five orcas off Alki Point heading south. At least two males. -Holly Harrison
14:49 - Orcas! My second time ever seeing them from the ferry! Thank you all! Captain said three or four of them. -Jeanne Meyers
14:33 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 15:07 to report: 1433hrs: Vessel CHIMACUM reports 3 orca moving in a southwest direction, just west of Duwamish Head.
13:35 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 13:46 to report: 1335hrs: Vessel CHIMACUM reports 3 orca moving in a southbound direction, 1/2 mile SE of Yeomalt Point.
Wed, Jan 10 - South Puget Sound (T137s) - 20:30 - Heard them at Minter. -Gary Furuheim
18:40 - Fun late-night report. Our neighbor just heard them out on the water and then saw them in the night light between Minter Creek and Glen Cove again. -Randy Witter
17:12 - Twenty minutes ago near Purdy heading back out of Henderson Bay. -Elana Cashion
16:23 - They have resumed leisurely southbound travel in Carr Inlet from the mapped location posted earlier. -April Janice Basham
15:50 - Same general location finishing off a porpoise hunt. -David Michael
15:51 - They are still in the same exact area.
15:24 - Still milling in the same spot.
15:12 - Still trending generally southwest [approx. 47.262729, -122.717332]. -Candace Gavin
14:58 - From Horsehead Bay I can still see them slowly southbound Carr Inlet. -April Janice Basham
T137D Wright - 14:53 - Was super fortunate to get to see these magnificent creatures as they were in the Carr Inlet! Spotted them heading southbound towards Horsehead Bay with two roughly mid channel and two (including one male who I believe was Jack) closer to shore on the Horsehead Bay side. Suddenly it appeared the two mid channel went on a hunt and the male and second one abruptly changed direction and headed straight for the other two on the other side! A bit far away to see exactly what happened but all four stayed in the same area for almost an hour and a half with some playful behavior noted as one rolled on its back, slapping its pectoral fins together and in the water. Then as the sun was starting to set, all four slowly began leaving southbound out of the inlet when I lost sight of them in the dusk. Link to more photos. -photos by Jennifer Swenson, January 10, 2024
T137A Jack next to his mother T137 Loon
14:25 - Just rounded Cutts. Should be visible from Kopachuck. Slow cruise popping up every couple minutes.
14:14 - Mid-channel off Raft Island headed south. -photos by Randy Witter, January 10, 2024
Saw three of the four this afternoon (in Henderson Bay) after they turned around at the Purdy Spit [videos in FB comments]. -Jane Durnbaugh Thompson
14:02 - So happy we saw them in Purdy. Arrived just in time for my son's girlfriend to see them for her first time. She was pretty excited to snap a picture of them. -Michelle Baty Fortney
13:35 - Facing/heading south now. Still viewing from the same spot.
13:28 - At Purdy on the bridge. They are about midchannel and hanging out. Lots of people here. -Kai Hearn
13:30 - Amanda Holcomb and I saw orcas here for our first time today near the Purdy Bridge. Best lunch break from work! I love how this group keeps everyone informed of where these beautiful animals are at. -Lindsay Morgan Goodman
13:27 - Several dorsals spotted in Purdy! -Carly Vester
13:14 - Approaching Purdy Spit. Midchannel to spit side. Four whales one male northbound. -Candace Gavin
12:57 - At least two are working their way down the west side of Henderson Bay towards Purdy [northbound]. -Richard Cos
12:29 - Turned back north and are in front of Minter Creek once again.
12:09 - Just passed by going south. Outside of Glen Cove headed south back into Carr Inlet. -Randy Witter
11:25 - Three orca in Henderson Bay; There are three orca milling around slowly just north of Cutt Island mid channel. -Terry
11:20 - Just saw a male [orca] off of Cherry Cove across from Minter Creek. Earlier about an hour ago they were in Henderson Bay. -Richard Clos
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Jan 10 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - Another awesome day watching (Owen) the juvenile humpback CRC20899 at Owen Beach today. So Incredible to hear the blows as it surfaces, there's nothing like it, and today they were quite noticeable - listen in the videos. I met a few people today that have never seen a whale before, so thrilling to see the excitement when they finally get sight of it! Going on three weeks, feel like its liking it here. Link to videos and more photos. -photos by Cherie StOurs, January 10, 2024
CRC-20899 in Dalco Passage & working its way into Commencement Bay for dinner tonight. Link to more photos. -photos by Jason Cook, January 10, 2024
17:23 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 17:49 to report: 1723hrs: Vessel CHETZEMOKA reports 1 humpback sighted just north of Point Defiance, moving west.
16:04 - Still out in Dalco/Narrows came by ferry lane and is headed west again. Beautiful strong blows in the sunset. -Cherie StOurs
14:36 - Just off the tip of Point Defiance about 500 yards off shore in Dalco. -Mike Spranger
14:28 - Still milling off of Point Defiance, closer to Gig Harbor side. Just barely visible from the tip of Dune Peninsula. -Andy Francis
13:50 - Milling north of the point of Point Defiance Park, near Gig Harbor. View from Point Defiance/Tahlequah ferry. So glad I brought my binoculars upstairs on the boat! -Ellen Weir
13:24 - Humpback spotted at Owen Beach. Also something that looked like a white dolphin/orca? -Suzy Higham [PSWS]
12:09 - Humpback is still out from the point of Point Defiance just south from Sunrise Beach [Gig Harbor] facing south. Viewing from Owens Beach. -Cherie StOurs
UNIDENTIFIED BALEEN WHALES - Wed, Jan 10 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca - 12:45 - My mom let me know they saw a baleen whale headed northbound past Joseph Whidbey State Park about a half hour ago. Surfaced multiple times. Leaning towards it being a humpback. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
January 9
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Tue, Jan 9 - Central/South Puget Sound (T137s) - 12:56 - One passed very close to Fox Island Pier heading southbound. Only surfaced a couple of times then didn’t see it again - not enough to get a good picture. Did not see any others at that time but difficult viewing conditions in the choppy water. -photos by Jennifer Swenson, January 9, 2024
12:59 - Lost them in the chop and Coast Guard boat went by them haven’t seen them since. I’m at Titlow viewing.
12:42 - Passed Narrows Park saw three heading south Gig Harbor side viewing from Titlow. -Cherie StOurs
T137A Jack - 12:35 - At Tacoma Narrow Park. Saw at least two fins. The wind and waves made it hard to follow them and for my camera to focus. Showed up to the park right as they passed. -photos by Danielle Lanxon, January 9, 2024
T137A Jack - 12:30 - Saw three dorsal fins heading south from Narrows Bridge, I was viewing from Titlow in the crazy wild weather! Lost them after that. -photos by Cherie StOurs, January 9, 2024
12:24 - They passed fast going south in Narrows just north of the bridge. On Gig Harbor side close in. I saw two. -Susan White
11:58 - All four have now entered the Narrows around Point Defiance.
11:28 - Three plus killer whales going west, just outside Quartermaster Harbor. Viewing from Dune Peninsula. Now close to Tahlequah ferry terminal, still going west fairly fast. Just spotted a big male I hadn’t seen before. -Charlie Wright
January 8
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Jan 8 - San Juans - 15:47 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Yakima Master reports via 800 MHz radio, 6 orca off Leo Pt. Light headed West.
Mon, Jan 8 - Haro Strait - 15:55 - Orcas on Lime Kiln hydrophone! -Kim Greer [WSSJI]
15:53 - On the YouTube Whale Museum cam. -Michelline Halliday [WSSJI]
Mon, Jan 8 - South Puget Sound (T124As, T124A4s, T124Ds) -T124D Field on right - T124A4 Sabio - From Fox Island earlier. -back of camera photos by Jami Cantrell, January 8, 2024
T124A7 on right - T124A Kittiwake - Just wanted to share a few of my best photos from today's quick pass past Fox Island Pier. - Conditions were definitely challenging so really happy that I even managed to get these! - I watched from the pier as they approached southbound from the Narrows Bridge. They seemed to split up into three groups, one group of approx. three were closer to the Chambers Bay side, the other two groups had two in the lead group and two to three in the group a little behind - hard to get exact numbers due to conditions and the fact that they had split up. The two closer groups went under just short of the pier and didn’t surface again until a fair bit past, thought they might be circling in a hunting mode but they quickly continued on. -photos by Jennifer Swenson, January 8, 2024
T124A7 on right - T124A Kittiwake on left -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - 11:50 - When they passed Fox Island Pier. They dove before the pier and popped up after. Lost them in the rain and fog. Link to more photos. -photos by Jolena Tagg, January 8, 2024
11:53 - Looks like seven whales total, not seeing a large male like I thought earlier. Passing the Fox Island Pier southbound. Seems likely it’s the 124’s again.
11:38 - Continuing south [approx. 47.258304, -122.570123]. -David Michael
11:37 - Just passed Titlow heading towards Chambers Bay it looks like. -Brie Guiney
11:36 - Moving swiftly southbound towards Fox Island. Possibly headed to pier.
11:31 - Southbound Gig Harbor side almost to Point Fosdick. -Karen Caldwell
11:22 - Viewing from TOA. Southbound fast. [per Ann Reinhart, [TOA is] formerly the Tacoma Outboard Association, located on Hidden Beach, a bit north of Titlow Beach.] -Rich Kuras
11:23 - Watching with binoculars from Salmon Beach. I see at least four. Looks like they might be feeding under the bridge.
11:14 - Just saw two orca dorsal fins under the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. -Zeno Martin
10:40 - Continued south approaching Gig Harbor.
10:30 - At least four orcas. One large male, facing south [approx. 47.331207, -122.552127]. -David Michael
10:07 - Orcas traveling west just past Point Defiance/Tahlequah ferry lanes. Closer to Defiance rather than Vashon. pretty sure now it’s five [approx. 47.333115, -122.549297]. -Michele Edwards Ley
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Jan 8 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899)- A few highlights from today’s adventure at Owen Beach. Quite the crowd out there today watching the humpback. Link to more photos. -photos by Craig Killer, January 8, 2024
16:10 - Fluke about 800 yards from shore. Facing west. Between Vashon & Point Defiance. West end of Vashon is in my line of sight. -David Bennett
15:16 - There should be great views of the humpback from the ferry, as he is logging just a bit west of the lane about halfway across the passage.
14:10 - 14:37 - Humpback visible at 14:10 slightly east of Owen Beach. At 14:37 he is logging east of there, barely east of the ferry lane and closer to Tacoma than Vashon. Visibility comes and goes due to fog bank. -Michele Edwards Ley
January 7
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 7 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (J Pod) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #4:“Since Mark and Joe’s encounter with J pod last week, the operating theory has been that J60 actually belongs with the J16s, likely as J42’s first calf. This has been difficult to prove though, given that the pair have yet to be documented together! Fortunately, the first animals the team slowed for were indeed J16, J42 and young J60! Today, the newest Southern Resident was travelling with J42. The whales were travelling quickly west, at one point eclipsing 10 knots as they surfed down the back side of the steep swells. J16 was slightly apart from the younger pair, and throughout the short encounter J60 never left J42’s echelon position. After pacing the animals west for a short time, the crew were able to determine that the rest of the pod were spread to the south and east, except J19 and a few others, who were confirmed visually approximately 400 metres northeast of the J16s. They ended the encounter south of Point No Point and began the journey home with J pod travelling quickly west-southwest with the strong ebb current.…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #4.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sun, Jan 7 - San Juans - 15:58 - This evening's Bigg's pass in Haro Strait from the Lime Kiln camera. Link to video. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
16:05 - Three to four so far with a least one male.
16:02 - Seeing fins! And calls.
15:39 - Hearing them loud and clear. -T.L. Stokes [WSSJI]
15:04 - Hearing Bigg’s orcas on Lime Kiln hydrophone. Love their calls! -Bambi Miller [WSSJI]
Sun, Jan 7 - Saratoga Passage (T137s) - I did [see blows] and fins from the Coupeville wharf, looking directly past Long Point along the Camano Island shore area, which was probably from my viewpoint, actually mid channel around that time or I guess I should say before that time, and then didn’t see anything really again. -Silver Hubble
16:18 - Two orcas heading north in Saratoga Passage towards Penn Cove. They were relatively close to shore on the Whidbey side. They were very close together, so probably mom and kid. -Randy Zimmerman Furnas
14:31 - Loon and Tempest have passed Cama Beach and are going northbound closer to Camano. Jack and Wright are still south of Hidden Beach, northbound, and closer to the Whidbey side. -Charvet Drucker
Jack and Wright hunting/eating today off Hidden Beach, dinner for them and all these seagulls [video in FB comments].
14:36 - Actually Jack plus one are trailing quite behind, they are midchannel and just made a kill in front of me at Hidden Beach.
14:17 - They just passed at Hidden Beach [northbound], way over on Camano side. -Rose Caitlin
T137B Tempest & T137 Loon - T137 Loon & T137B Tempest -photos by Charvet Drucker, January 7, 2024
13:37 - They are northbound approaching Hidden Beach [sightline from Camano]. -Linda Aitkins
13:35 - They are now on Camano side.
13:27 - Orcas northbound just south of Elger Bay.Believe I saw Jack. Midchannel to Whidbey side of? -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:30 - We are seeing two orcas at Camano Island State Park. Close to Camano. Appear to be crossing to Whidbey. -Linda Aitkins
Sun, Jan 7 - Possession Sound (T124As, T124A4s, T124Ds) - It's great to capture some healing love… been a bit. Yes, they sustain me. Seen a post from my friend Sara that she was watching a group of orcas from the Mukilteo side towards Hat Island area. Thank you Sara. I drove to Clinton and saw that my friend Cindi had her eye on them too.Thank you Cindi. It was nearing around 16:00? and I knew dark time was coming… but from Glendale got some decent lighting photos. As they headed towards Possession Point area, light was dropping fast. But at one point, the breath of the orcas about did it to me… one of the small groups was so close, my heart dropped. It was just at that moment, that it had me. Truly. And I got to share that with two of my dear friends too. Link to more photos. -photos by Marilyn Armbruster, January 7, 2024
16:50 - Passed the southeast tip of Possession Point southbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
16:45 - Southbound Possession Point State Park. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:35 - From Glendale. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
16:07 -Peggy Zafarana called to report orcas. Viewing from halfway between Clinton ferry dock and Glendale Beach, they just saw three orcas on a constant swim traveling southbound toward Glendale Beach. Pod just cruising along real easy. Fun to see them.
15:54 - South of Clinton ferry Whidbey side. Southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:49 - In the ferry lanes. Still southbound, Whidbey side.
15:43 - Everybody is steady south toward the ferry lane. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
15:40 - Seem to be moving southbound. Drifting closer to Whidbey as they do. Will be near ferry lanes soon. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:27 - Viewing from Madrona looking towards Hat. They appear to be moving south east. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
15:19 - Saw the two orcas going west on the south side of Hat Island. Lots of splashing and breaching. -Melody Wilson
15:12 - Still westbound. Kind of angling north, but hard to tell if they’re committed one way or the other yet [approx. 48.001308, -122.324485].
15:02 - Look to be hugging the south side of Hat Island, west bound.
14:55 - Spotted them again on the southeast side of Hat Island, west bound. Counted four to five-ish.
14:30 - Here-ish [approx. 47.989578, -122.295583]. Milling/breaching/hunting. Too far out to get a great count yet.
14:25 - Different group, but seeing quite a few blows on the southeast side of Hat Island. Line of sight is Edgewater Beach to the black and white channel marker [approx. 47.994489, -122.298867]. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
14:20 - Orcas between myself at Clinton and line of sight Priest Point, closer to mainland side. Facing northbound currently. Females and juveniles so far. Four plus. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Sun, Jan 7 - Samson Narrows, BC
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Meredith Potter
Date of Sighting: January 07, 2024
Time: 1:19 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Samson Narrows, we were in Stoney Hill Regional Park. The pod was heading north east
and spent time around Burgoyne Bay
Direction of travel : NE
Behaviors observed: Not sure
If orcas, any males?: Too far away to tell
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: There may have been a baby.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sun, Jan 7 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - Our humpback friend from Owen Beach. -photos by Kelly Dawson, January 7, 2024
I finally got to see this beautiful whale at Owen Beach. It was awesome! -Tiffany Tolentino
Just happened to coincidentally be in the right place at the right time with my kiddos at Owen Beach this afternoon to see this beauty! We kept seeing sea lions and seals swimming very close to the shore so I figured it may have been an orca in the area. Also caught glimpses of a couple of small dolphin (porpoise?) near the shore. Could anyone tell me why the other marine mammals would steer clear of a baleen whale? -Melissa Stephenson
Viewing from Owen Beach Promenade this afternoon [video FB comments]. -Cherie StOurs
17:15 - It was almost to dark to see, but as I was starting to walk back to my car, the whale popped up close enough to hear it breathe and I captured this quick video [in FB comments]. -Heidi Armstrong
16:28 - Fluke just southeast of boat.
16:22 - Blows north of boat facing port of Tacoma. Surfacing right next to boat. -Charlene Engelland
16:17 - Close to Point Defiance Park shoreline again - looks to be traveling east toward Owen Beach. -Michele Edwards Ley
16:17 - Fluke just now immediately north of two boats in Dalco off Point Defiance. -Charlene Engelland
15:59 - Very close to Point Defiance now dove southeast. -Michele Edwards Ley
15:54 - Emerged near Point Dalco after a fishing vessel went by. -Caroline Alper-Posso
15:49 - Now halfway to Point Dalco.
15:45 - About a third of the way between Point Defiance and Dalco Point. Last dive was toward Point Defiance. -Michele Edwards Ley
15:26 - Back of camera photo. -back of camera photo by Lisa Jung, January 7, 2024
15:23 - It’s doing east and west laps along Owen Beach. Still four to six minute downtimes and consistent fluking. Westbound currently. -back of camera photo by Ariel Yseth, January 7, 2024
15:16 - Humpback is still between Owen Beach and Vashon between Owen Beach and the ferry. Surface activity and dives. -Claudia Hoyt
15:04 - Currently in Owen Beach. -Angelica Plazas-Bergoo
14:55 - Just had a five minute downtime followed by eight surfacings over two minutes. Showing off it’s fluke with every dive.
14:48 - Doing three to four surfacing and then dive. Still heading eastbound along Owen Beach toward ferry lane. Eight to nine minute downtimes from what I can tell. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
14:45 - [CRC-20899 approx. 47.319967, -122.531403]. -David Michael
14:41 - Just dove again, seemingly heading east now. -Kelly Dawson
14:40 - Just saw [humpback] swimming eastbound out from Five Mile Drive/Owen Beach. Aiming for ferry lane. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
14:30 - Viewing near Five Mile - on the beach. -Bee Lorenzen McVicker
14:35 - Confirmed humpback, closer now, on a dive.
14:26 - Just saw what appeared to be a dive closer to Vashon, maybe heading by north? -Kelly Dawson
14:26 - Just saw him by Gig Harbor heading south. Viewing from Dune. -Robyn Riley
09:08 - Swimming back and forth near Sunrise [approx. 47.333944, -122.554095]. -Jason Cook
January 6
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Sat, Jan 6 - Saratoga Passage (T137s) - 16:45 - Viewing from Point Polnell, milling off Maple Grove Boat launch (very close to shore Camano side) seemed to flip and are now southbound. -Ryan Babler
15:43 - Viewing from yacht club, heading north. -Terese DeBoer Drummond
14:30 - Saw them briefly at Camano Island State Park. Now waiting at the Yacht Club, but nothing yet. -Shelly Greybeck
14:19 - Spotted at Hidden Beach, at least one orca on Camano Island shore. Has been taking a deep dive. Hoping to see again! -Jillian Harmon
13:57 - Still northbound and almost passed Camano State Park.
13:47 - Yes, and I see four orcas now. Two came up from the south.
13:24 - Directional change, going north now.
13:18 - Still seeing two just passing Fox Spit now. Still southbound, around midchannel.
13:02 - Spotted two in front of Baby Island viewing from the state park. Southbound closer to Whidbey. -Charvet Drucker
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Caitlin Goldsberry
Date of Sighting: January 06, 2024
Time: 12:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Saratoga Bay
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: seen after spotting a seal, maybe hunting
If orcas, any males?: 1 male, fin about 4ft
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
11:43 - Just saw a male fin (barely surfacing) cutting through the water further out midchannel and more south of previous female fin, also southbound.
11:40 - Viewing from south of Harrington Lagoon, one female fin Whidbey side of midchannel steady southbound. -Emily Wandres
10:10 - On the phone with Rachel Haight, she sees at least one orca in the west end of Penn Cove at the moment facing east. Rachel is on the north shore east of Three Sisters, the orca was between her and mussel rafts on the south shore. She hasn't yet seen any others. Viewing conditions not optimal, lots of glare and choppy seas. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Robert Wagner
Date of Sighting: January 06, 2024
Time: 9:42 AM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Penn Cove
Direction of travel : W
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes , 1 I think
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tom Alcott
Date of Sighting: January 06, 2024
Time: 8:10 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Saratoga Passage
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: One was definitely a male.
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sat, Jan 6 - South Puget Sound (T124As, T124A4s, T124Ds) - Awesome day in Tacoma today. Transient orcas T124As & 124Ds (sorry for distortion on the water and the very loud passing train) and then the humpback juvenile whale CRC-20899 that's been staying in the south sound for almost three weeks. So many people came out to Owen Beach to see the humpback whale and got a bonus with the orcas showing up! Link to videos and more photos. -photos by Cherie StOurs, January 6, 2024
Viewing from Owen Beach today. -photos by Alisa Miller, January 6, 2024
From Owen Beach. Link to more photos. -photo by Jason Keith, January 6, 2024
Bigg’s/transients passing close to Sunrise & then south Vashon. Link to more photos. -photos by Jason Cook, January 6, 2024
Passing Point Defiance. -photo by Amber Stanfill, January 6, 2024
A whale of a day! Orcas and "Bubs" the humpback! My heart was sooo happy! Link to FB video. -Lisa Connelly Richard
16:47 - After chasing these orcas from Alki to Vashon, then back to Alki again most of the day, finally got to see them from Lincoln Park in reasonable distance a little after sunset. I’d wish the light was better. But no complaints.-photo by Fei Cheng, January 6, 2024
16:35 - Spotted them again, around Fauntleroy ferry lane now.
16:21 - Saw two surface north of Seahurst, northbound, close-ish to shore. Haven't seen them surface again. -Kate Hruby
15:55 - Heading past Three Tree Point to mid channel going north, hard to see in binoculars now but were closer before. -photo by Kalika CeCe, January 6, 2024
By Three Tree Point [video in FB comments]. -April Rasmussen
15:46 - Here at Three Tree Point but they’re a ways off shore. They’re definitely heading north. -Cafe Good Health
15:07 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 15:20 to report: Captain [of CHETZEMOKA reports 5-7 Orca north of the Point Defiance Terminal.
14:50 - [video of Bigg’s in FB comments]. -Nicole Oliver
14:50 - Viewing from Saltwater State Park, can only see blows right past Point Robinson with binoculars. -Kalika CeCe
14:43 - Have passed Point Robinson now, grouped up, seeing at least five island side of channel headed northbound, but transiting more northeast as they move. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
14:38 - In front of Point Robinson now! -Mandy Michelle
14:37 - [Orcas at] Point Robinson now. -Nicole Oliver
14:26 - Now just north of Gold Beach heading north towards Point Robinson. -Dan Hyde
14:08 - Mid Channel of East Passage. Between Gold Beach and Dumas Bay. Heading north. Blue power boat following. About five orca. -Burt Miller
13:32 - Seven spouts [video in FB comments]! -Ryan Dicks
13:36 - I feel like they've committed to northbound travel up East Passage. Pretty far offshore but still on Vashon side of mid channel.
13:30 - They really movin’! From Dune perspective, they are almost to southeast tip of Maury, distant offshore but on Island side of mid channel, northeast bound [approx. 47.336685, -122.458631].
13:26 - Crossing entrance to Quartermaster Harbor towards Maury, northeast bound, in travel mode! -Melissa Bird
13:22 - Not the best shot of them, but you could see them just to the east of the ferry terminal, I’m viewing from the Point Defiance marina. -Amanda Aird Penland
13:19 - Sorry, I've been running through the forest but we can now see them from the viewpoints closest to Owen Beach up top. But they are far ways out headed, possibly towards Browns Point? -Lisa Connelly Richard
13:20 - Approaching east tip of Vashon/Quartermaster Harbor crossing, eastbound. Five I think.
13:17 - Just had five (I think) pass Vashon ferry dock eastbound, including calf. From Dune. -Melissa Bird
13:17 - Group of orcas just in front of the Vashon Island ferry terminal, not sure if it’s the same group. -Jessica Schmidt
13:14 - I just spotted a couple of them there just west, and approaching the Vashon ferry dock, continuing east. -Amanda Aird Penland
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jennifer Kiesel
Date of Sighting: January 06, 2024
Time: 1:10 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: 47.3306879, -122.5085711
Direction of travel : E. Don’t know how fast but a little slower than the ferry
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Too far away for details, I was on Tacoma side and they were right in front of Vashon Island
13:12 - Headed your way East Passage!
13:05 - At Vashon ferry path. Ferry is past them. -Megan Lynn
13:07 - Captain reports 5-7 Orca north of the Point Defiance Terminal. -WSF
13:05 - Eastbound at ferry dock. -Paul Davis
13:04 - Milling in the ferry lanes. -Mollie Segall
12:57 - Approaching ferry, seeing from Vashon side terminal. -Kandi Hartman
12:56 - East bound along south Vashon. Still west of ferry lanes. -Amber Stanfill
12:56 - Heading east towards ferry lane Vashon side viewing from Owen Beach. -Cherie StOurs
12:53 - Viewing from Owen Beach, they are on the Vashon side. -Nicole Wilcox
12:52 - Heading towards ferry, closer to Vashon shore. -Stéphanie Thill
12:50 - Southwest tip of Vashon down right now no direction. -Cherie StOurs
12:48 - Headed into Dalco closer to Vashon towards ferry. -Megan Lynn
12:48 - They are out in this circled area [approx. 47.327504, -122.527869]. -Kelly Jo De Alba
12:47 - North east towards Vashon at the mouth of Colvos.
12:45 - After some surface activity (near humpy!) they are now passed Point Defiance/Owen trending north. -Mollie Segall
12:45 - Lots of surface activity where Colvos, Dalco, and Narrows [meet]. Appeared like a brief hunt. Trending northbound toward Colvos, but too early to tell. -Ashley S Whitman
12:37 - Dalco Passage Overlook clip [video in FB comments].
12:15 - Another clip closer on the Narrows side of Point Defiance [video in FB comments]. -Mark Goddard
12:35 - From Owen Beach. -Tiffany Skipper
12:25 - This afternoon off Point Defiance. About twenty minutes after they passed heading north, the humpback passed heading south. A nice afternoon float. -Douglas Peterson
12:22 - They are leaving view from the view point. Headed towards Owen [approx. 47.316367, -122.551736].
12:09 - The orcas are here though, the baby is right out in front of the view point! It’s amazing. -Kelly Jo De Alba
11:46 - Seeing several blows north of Narrow Bridge from Five Mile Drive viewpoint. -Paul Davis
11:38 - Watching from Five Mile Loop looking back at bridge. Lots of spouts. -Amber Nelson
11:34 - Orcas just went under bridge! -Debbie Lindsay
11:33 - Might be split into two groups. Leaders are past the Narrow Bridge, trailers just passed under the bridge, still northbound and Narrows.
11:28 - Appear to have resumed northbound travel slowly, saw one spy hop.
11:23 - Looks like they may have stalled. Long down times, thought I saw one splash from surface activity.
11:17 - Slowly northbound approaching Narrows Bridge. Traveling between mid channel and east side. At least six or seven, one young one at least. -Ashley S Whitman
11:18 - Just under Narrows Bridge northbound.
11:09 - Traveling north coming to Narrows Park Gig side looks like five viewing from Titlow Park. -Cherie StOurs
10:59 - They are northbound on the Gig Harbor side on the west side of the barge headed to the bridge. Moving swiftly below the Narrows airport.
10:55 - From Day Island [video in FB comments]. -Karen Caldwell
10:32 - Orcas, heading north in front of Chambers Bay right now. About five-ish. Long down times. -Lora Lori Hope Whiting
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Sat, Jan 6 - Haro Strait - 09:37 - Three killer whales. Headed up island just south of Snug Harbor - very close to shore. the first three were easily seen as they were very close. The next group we couldn’t make out the number and they must have taken a dive past… because we didn’t see them again until they were further away near Henry Island. -Peter Van Deventer [WSSJI]
HUMPBACK WHALES - Sat, Jan 6 - San Juans (BCX1358 Frankenstein & BCX1602 Lorax's calf from 2022 Wiggins) - 12:57 - They went through Cattle Pass at full speed. Now at Salmon Bank. -David Neiwert [WSSJI]
12:30 - Heading south in Griffin Bay at 12:00. BCX1358 "Frankenstein" and BCX1602's calf from 2022 "Wiggins". -Bethany Shimasaki [WSSJI]
09:39 - Two humpbacks heading south nearing Mineral Point. -Melanie Nakashima [WSSJI]
Sat, Jan 6 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - Awesome day in Tacoma today - transient orcas T124As & 124Ds ( sorry for distortion on the water and the very loud passing train) and then the humpback juvenile whale CRC-20899 that's been staying in the south sound for almost three weeks. So many people came out to Owen Beach to see the humpback whale and got a bonus with the orcas showing up! Link to videos and more photos. -photos by Cherie StOurs, January 6, 2024
-photos by Jason Cook, January 6, 2024
-photos by Jason Keith, January 6, 2024
A whale of a day! Orcas and "Bubs" the humpback! My heart was sooo happy! Link to video. -Lisa Connelly Richard
Link to video one. Link to video two. -Laura Maclean
Along Owen Beach this late afternoon. -photo by Amber Stanfill, January 6, 2024
I loved seeing him from this angle! -photos by Mollie Segall, January 6, 2024
We were super lucky to have Bubs (my name for the humpback) come and do a close pass (about 10 yards out) from about the end of Point Defiance along the beach and surface several times and then takeoff towards the tip of Vashon. I just didn't want to leave! -Lisa Connelly Richard
Losing light but just needed to see one more fluke [video in FB comments]. -Cherie StOurs
17:59 - We got to see the humpback today coming back from the ferry at 17:00. Still in front of Owen! -Nicole Oliver
16:22 - Just fluked northwest of Owen. So awesome hearing its blows even from distance in today’s still weather. Regular pattern: fluke dives about five minutes, comes up with audible exhale/visible air spout, mills around on surface about one minute, then dives again. I’m still waiting to catch a spyhop and breach! Such a beautiful young whale. -Cynthia Swensøn
14:57 - Saw it just before boarding the 13:40 ferry. Now looks like it’s past Owen Beach and continuing that direction. Near the boats and coast guard is monitoring the area as well. -Amanda Fogelberg
14:10 - Just fluked in front of Owen facing east toward ferry lane. -Brittany Hays
13:53 - Humpback is directly out from Owen Beach, mid channel facing west. -Mollie Segall
13:20 - Skirting the beach eastbound towards Owen Beach. -David Michael
12:16 - Facing eastbound. -Jason Cook
12:15 - Humpback just gave us a fluke at Owens, mid passage across from Gig Harbor. -Stéphanie Thill
12:08 - Viewing from Owen Beach. Humpback is just north of Sunrise closer to Gig Harbor side but mid channel. -Mollie Segall
12:06 - Humpback north end of Sunrise. Just flukes westbound. -Jason Cook
12:05 - Humpback fluked near the point of Point Defiance. Viewing from Owen Beach no direction. -Cherie StOurs
January 5
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Fri, Jan 5 - Saratoga Passage (T137s) - 16:00 - Two [T137 & T137B] southbound close to Whidbey just south of Harrington Lagoon. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:33 - They are at Long Point right now. Northbound. -Kevin Phillips
13:01 - Seen from beach at Camano Island State Park, midchannel to Whidbey side near Baby Island. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
13:00 - Per Cindi, Jack is now northwest of Fox Spit, Whidbey side, heading west towards Baby Island. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:47 - Saw him [T137A] mid channel heading north. -Erin McCloskey Flynn
11:55 - T137A Jack is angling northwest in Saratoga Passage - approx. out from Langley. No sign of others yet. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:41 - Orcas have exited Port Susan. Watched a bit of surface activity then they headed up Saratoga. LONG down times. Closer to Whidbey. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
11:30 - Summerland, Pebble Beach, the three orcas that were in Port Susan just passed us here on the southwest end of Camano, heading up Saratoga Passage. Very close in, maybe 25 yards off our beach at most. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
10:29 - Two orcas pretty far out off of Tyee Beach heading south. -PS Chat
Fri, Jan 5 - Puget Sound (T124As minus A2s & T124Ds) - 17:14 - Just left them. At last sight, they were just off the point north of OBM. Looked like hunting activity. Hugging the Kitsap shoreline. Lots of great activity as it got dark. -Lynne Hanson
15:58 - Mid channel passing Command Point heading southbound. -Collin Carnahan
15:22 - Visible from Driftwood Cove, close to Kitsap side. -Roxane Jackson Johnson
Possibly T124A4 Sabio - T124D3 & T124A7 -IDs by Orca Network - Taken while they were milling about off of Alki earlier. -photos by Greg Snyder, January 5, 2024
photos by Mary Hartmann, January 5, 2024
15:09 - They’ve committed to southbound in Colvos! Moving slowly.
15:00 - Visible from Point Southworth. Milling around but generally southbound. Lots of surface activity. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
14:55 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 15:08 to report: Terminal staff reported (via SUQUAMISH) that there were 5-6 orca off the SW terminal.
15:00 - Spy hopping , breaching but now disappeared into the rain squall that has moved in still moving into Colvos Passage, mid channel - out of my line of sight.
14:50 - Five or six orca headed southwest into Colvos Passage. Breaching just off Southworth dock. -Wayne WSF
12:43 - Spy hops, tail lobs trending SW off 1270 Alki.
12:37 - Off 1200 block Alki. Lots of gulls by orcas. Indicate successful hunt?
12:25 - Maybe on a kill southwest of Duwamish Head, lots of birds, milling tail slaps.
12:16 - From Anchor Park in West Seattle moving toward Alki Beach.
12:10 - Four or five moving southwest hugging Duwamish Head.
12:09 - From Anchor Park in West Seattle rounding Duwamish Head.
11:48 - Moving out of Elliott Bay westbound by Space Needle. -Mary Hartmann
11:40 - Northbound approx. location. Lots of surface action.
11:30 - Just saw them around the Argosy cruise boat. That was awesome! Argosy split and went into port. -Alexander Simenstad
11:34 - Four or five northwest bound toward Smith Tower view from Don Armeni. -Mary Hartmann
11:16 - At Duwamish Head with lots of folks searching, someone said they were spotted headed east toward the grain terminal. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
11:00 - I saw them from the ferry and they were about to surprise a group of sea lions playing in the bay. -Ricardo Aguayo
10:49 - Donna Sanders, WSF Marine Ops, emailed toreport: Captain [of TACOMA] reports five Orca near Duwamish head milling about.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Orca Network forwarded images and video of CRC-20899 by Jami Cantrell and an image by Amber Stanfill to Cascadia Research Collective staff for review to see if gender could be determined, Jessie Huggins replied:“In the still photo you attached, I believe that bump at the base of the throat pleats is the umbilical scar. I looked at the other photos and videos and could not confirm gender."
Fri, Jan 5 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - 16:47 - Just dove again near Owen Beach - still milling in same general area! -Allyson Corbo
16:20 - It’s right at Owen’s now circling. As I pulled into parking lot very close/visible from car driving! Must have been within 100 yards of shore straight north. Swam around wide circles showing lovely back and fluke. Headed west towards Gig Harbor/Sunrise after sunset. -photos by Cynthia Swensøn, January 5, 2024
16:15 - Fluked near sail boat close to Owen Beach. Facing westbound.
15:49 - Nice fluke near north side of Sunrise. -photo by Jason Cook, January 5, 2024
15:10 - Last report for me: making directional changes in Dalco, currently mid channel-ish heading east.
14:36 - Surfaced & fluke further northwest.
14:31 - Fluke dive right off the point, maybe 75 yards off shore. Current direction pointing north.
14:04 - Current direction is southbound, just surfaced a little south of my point on the map.
13:59 - Fluke and breach. Approximate location [47.330860, -122.529564], making directional changes. -Brooke Casanova
12:46 - Humpback mid channel off Owen. Viewed from tiny opening on Five Mile. Saw dorsal and fluke. Unsure of direction. -Brittany Hays
January 4
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Thu, Jan 4 - Saratoga Passage (T137s) - 16:04 - At least two are near the north end of Port Susan. Viewing from Tillicum, line of sight to Livingston Bay/Juniper Beach area. Very far away from us, can't tell direction of travel. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
14:20 - Male & female approx. here [48.061749, -122.333695] slow trend north.
14:15 - Last surfacing they were northbound due south Camano Head area, far east of me, haven't seen again, may have gone into Port Susan.
14:00 - Lost them for a bit. Male female pair now closer to female pair, four total whales. Northeast of Sandy Point outside of Saratoga Passage, maybe due south of Camano Head. Facing west on last surfacing but lots of stealth and big direction changes so can't say committed.
13:45 - Two off Sandy Point close to Whidbey. Believe 137s.
13:40 - Got them! Two orcas southbound nearing Camano Head, Camano side. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
As we were scanning for T137A and T137D on the Camano coastline, T137 and T137B popped up fairly close. This is T137, Loon. This was from Sandy Point earlier this afternoon. -photo by Cindi Crowder Rausch, January 4, 2024
It was a tail slapping kind of day! These guys were very far from us on Camano but it was still fun to watch all their activity. Link to more photos. -photos by Charvet Drucker, January 4, 2024
12:22 - Two orcas heading east… Right across from Camano State Park, towards Fox Spit… mid channel. -Erin McCloskey Flynn
Thu, Jan 4 - Puget Sound (Presume T124As minus A2s & T124Ds) - 16:40 - The orcas are in Magnolia. -G Tsai
16:27 - Last update for me. They have continued southbound out of my sight at this time. Good luck for tomorrow everyone.
16:23 - From my line of sight at Fay Bainbridge they have reached the Discovery Lighthouse viewing park. Long slow down times. Making it a little harder to keep up.
16:08 - Still viewing from Fay Bainbridge and the pod is still slowly southbound mid channel still headed towards the direction Discovery Park Lighthouse and Elliott Bay.
15:49 - The pod is still slowly southbound approaching Golden Gardens still mid channel. What a beautiful way to spend my birthday. -April Janice Basham
15:34 - After lots of surface activity off of Jefferson Point pod now appears to have grouped up more midchannel and continuing southbound.
15:26 - Viewing from Fay Bainbridge. They appear to be off of Point Jefferson area at this point. Lots of surface activity. No committed direction. -Candace Gavin
14:56 - Agreed more mid to west channel I just saw them five minutes ago from Carkeek Park Beach they looked more committed southbound recently but now I lost them. -Ryan Eatinger
14:40 - Just after posting that they disappeared now surfaced to the southwest and appear to being in resting, traveling west/southwest abreast. Not sure if committed but more mid channel now.
14:30 - Ts still feeding. Same general area with some drift northeast from time of original stall hunt earlier. East of mid channel out from Richmond Beach (technically south if but feels out from) see map [approx. 47.734251, -122.432147]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
14:28 - I've been watching them here from Richmond Beach for over an hour. Activity seems to have slowed. -Judie Menz McGee
13:50 - Orcas are now feeding. I took my eyes off for a bit, but can now see the oil slick of their prey and a lot of gull/bird activity (swooping in to feed opportunistically on scraps). Same general spot as my initial map/report. East of mid channel out from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. Orcas circling feeding.
13:25 - Same general place, but maybe drifted little east (see earlier). Predation still ongoing, less robust acrobatic surface activity but still circling. Little ones tail lobs/slaps are so freaking adorable! Earlier before calmed down cartwheels etc. Still no bird activity so not sure if consumption has begun. If was a sea lion I saw airborne they could be here rest if daylight hours. Will keep posted.
13:09 - Was gonna say zero bird activity so thinking they haven’t begun consuming and sure enough just saw them punt who looked like seal lion in the air (I’m distant). Also not seeing any males. Not sure if there was one who removed them self or never was one. Still at least five to six mix of females to little ones.
13:05 - Bigg’s transient predation event still active. Group is still stalled in same place (see earlier updates) leaps and lunges, though quieting down. Maybe they’ve finally tired their prey.
12:45 - Hunt is still very active and ongoing. A lot of lunges and directional changes, belly flops etc.
12:30 - At least five to six still stalled in same general area as my earlier map. East of mid channel due west south end of Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. A lot of surface activity, direction changes. Mostly females and young in the fray, looks like one male skirting perimeter of the hunt. Rain squall coming up from the south may inhibit visibility in a bit. Still clear now. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:22 - Seeing tail slaps and some sort of activity north of Port Madison - possibly porpoises or sea lions but seems unlikely that I could spot them from Seattle side. Should be west of shipping lanes or in them, hard to say from this spot. -Larry Benesh
12:18 - At least four to five mix of female and little ones. Haven’t see males yet. Behavior definitely that of a T hunt.
12:14 - A lot of surface activity, appear to be hunting.
12:10 - Just pulled up and so far seeing a few orcas here south end Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. East of mid channel. Southbound and caught end of a breach [approx. 47.741411, -122.430885]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Lucy Falla
Date of Sighting: January 04, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: Five to six
Where seen: Between Kingston and Edmonds closer to Kingston side
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Maybe 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
11:13 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 11:27 to report: 1113hrs: Vessel SPOKANE reports via 800MHz they've spotted two male orcas heading southbound, located East of Apple Tree Cove.
January 3
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) - Wed, Jan 3 - Haro Strait (J Pod) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #3:“They finally spotted a small, tight group of whales well west of them, nearing the east entrance to Baynes Channel. As they approached, they could see that the group included a days-old calf! Somewhat surprising however, is that the rest of the whales were the J16s and a wandering J53. After reviewing the left eyepatch with the pictures taken on December 26 in Puget Sound they were able to confirm it was indeed J60. The calf was travelling particularly close to J16, but as J16 is now over 50 years old and did not appear pregnant during aerial encounters in October, we are skeptical that she is the mother. More likely, this youngster belongs to one of the younger J16s, but further encounters will be required to confirm this theory as it did not leave J16’s side throughout CWR’s observation today, and previous reports and photos had the calf travelling with J40…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #3.
So what's going on with J60? Here are the facts as we know them: On December 26, NOAA researchers photographed a days-old calf traveling with J-Pod in Puget Sound. The calf was primarily traveling with J40 Suttles, a 19 year-old female who has yet to have a documented calf of her own. On December 29, the Center for Whale Research confirmed via additional photographs from NOAA that J60 is a male, and was reportedly still traveling with J40. On January 3, the Center had their first direct encounter with J60 in Haro Strait. During this encounter, J60 was traveling with J16 Slick, a 51 year-old post-reproductive female. J40 was present in a different group of whales with no calf in her proximity. The calf with J16 was confirmed to be J60 by matching the eyepatch. Even the early days after a new birth, it's not uncommon for a calf to travel with whales other than its biological mother. Close relatives can assist (for example, the first time J51 was seen, he was traveling in echelon position with J19, not J41) and sometimes attempted "calf-napping" occurs, where another female tries to steal the calf (one prominent example is K18 Kiska who tried to take L98 Luna from L67 Splash). This calf-napping behavior is poorly understood, but seems to happen when a female's strong maternal instincts lead her to try and take the calf from another whale. The above factors can lead to confusion for human observers as to who the mother of a newborn really is. So who is J60's mom? We still don't know for sure. Does it matter who the mother is? To human observers, not really - our desire to know is driven by our close relationship to these whales and aspiration to keep 100% accurate scientific records. But for J60, it's critically important he knows who his mother is. If he's being passed from female to female, he may not end up imprinting on the correct whale, and he also may not be getting enough time to nurse (in all likelihood only his biological mother is lactating). At a couple weeks old, he is still looking quite thin and lumpy. The following is purely speculation on my part: based on known life history patterns and the Center for Whale Researcher's speculations on pregnancies from last fall, it seems unlikely J40 or J16 is J60's mother. My current theory is that J40 - who has always associated with the youngest members of J-Pod and seems keen to be a mother herself - may have attempted a "calf-napping". It seems likely J60 is the offspring of either J36 or J42, the reproductive-age daughters of J16. Hopefully, J16 was with the calf as babysitting grandmother on the January 3rd encounter, and the calf is now settling in with its biological mom and will start putting on more weight. Knowing these whales to the level we do can be hard on the heart sometimes. My heart aches for J40, J60, and the calf's actual mother in all this. But best case scenario is that J60 is now where he belongs and goes on to thrive. Hopefully there will be more encounters with all of J-Pod soon to help piece together more of this puzzle. -Orca Behavior Institute
14:12 - So far all the ones we are seeing are at least two miles or so off San Juan, southbound.
13:56 - Decent group on a line between Lime Kiln and Halibut Island moving south or southwest.
13:48 - Visual from Lime Kiln looking north past the point, three to four much closer to San Juan side but moving west.
13:38 - Friend relayed report they’re by the Kelp Reef marker southbound as seen on webcam. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Wed, Jan 3 - San Juans (T49As & T73As) - 15:25 - Friend reports them heading southeast from Granny’s Cove towards South Beach. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
14:50 - Group of Bigg’s/Transient orcas milling offshore of Eagle Point - pointed in towards the island. I believe some of the T49As and T73As reported eastbound earlier south of Discovery. -Barbara Howitt [WSSJI]
Wed, Jan 3 - Saratoga Passage (T124As including T124A1 minus A2s & T124Ds) - Today was all about learning to make the best of what you’ve got. We saw this group of orcas from Camano Island State Park. While they were far, I managed to get some halfway decent shots. We totally didn’t drive all the way to Whidbey trying to see these whales closer on shore only to not see them, but we won’t talk about that!Link to more photos. -photos by Kat Martin, January 3, 2024
Visiting Whidbey today and was lucky to see them from Hidden Beach. -photo by Cherie StOurs, January 3, 2024
[The] otter predation or attempted predation off the shore of Whidbey Island. Descriptions below. It was a wild one for sure! The otter is visible in several pictures. No blood or gore. [video of otter hunt from earlier in FB comments.] Link to more photos. -photos by Cindi Crowder Rausch, January 3, 2024
T124A4A - 15:00 - Appeared to be pushing northeast way out from Harrington Lagoon area.
14:25 - T124A4 and T124D1 confirmed present by Alisa Lemire Brooks from Rachel's photos.
14:05 - Wow wow wow hunted very close to shore just south of Race Lagoon Whidbey side.- Link to more photos. -photos by Rachel Haight, January 3, 2024
13:45 - Steve called to report the about four orcas northbound from south of Shanrgi-La, about quarter way out from Whidbey side of mid channel.
13:00 - Still heading north mid channel. -Aaron Gill
12:30 - Continuing northbound approx. Here-ish [48.139263, -122.545005]? -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Porpoising around Hidden Beach! -Rose Caitlin
12:11 - Steady northbound with lots of surface activity, straight out from the south end of Cama Beach. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
12:09 - Approaching Cama Beach cabins very northbound travel. -Kevin Phillips
12:05 - Slowly northbound, midchannel just south of Hidden Beach.
11:55 - Cute little spyhop. May have drifted northeast slightly, but don't seem committed northbound yet.
11:51 - Still hunting in the same spot. Midchannel north of Baby Island.
11:40 - Definitely hunting, lots of tail slaps and cartwheels. May be drifting west.
11:35 - Some directional changes now, may be hunting. In line with the entrance to Holmes Harbor.
11:28 - Just spotted from Cama Beach. Midchannel south of me, probably off the north end of Camano Island State Park. -photos by Serena Tierra, January 3, 2024
11:07 - Too distant for IDs, but looked like possibly 36Bs & 124Ds. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:05 - North of the houses at Fox Spit [approx. 48.105898, -122.503638]. No males, at least one juvenile.
10:56 - Approaching Fox Spit, midchannel to Whidbey side. They've slowed down significantly.
10:48 - Beautiful backlit blows, in line with Bells Beach from my perspective. About to head into the sun glare so we may lose them for a few minutes.
10:41 - At least five orcas northbound south of Camano Island State Park. Probably midchannel to Camano side but tough to tell from this perspective.
10:36 - Spotted from the bluff at Camano Island State Park a few minutes. They looked close so we all went down to the beach. Didn't have time to estimate numbers or distance. Northbound. I would guess midchannel somewhere between Bells Beach and Fox Spit for that last sighting (but could be wrong on that). Very harsh sun glare from the beach. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
09:20 - Pebble Beach and Summerland, small pod of maybe four or five orcas heading your way, slowly. Moving up Saratoga Passage from down here on the southwest end of Camano. Close in to our side. Quite active, lots of tail slaps, spy hopping, rolling over, etc. heading north. -Mike Moberly [CWW]
Wed, Jan 3 - North Puget Sound (T137s)
16:05 - Traveling northbound now but very much on Camano side now, maybe near Mabana Beach.
15:50 - Viewing from same spot, now two, directional changes. They are barely surfacing now and circling.
15:40 - Viewing from Whale Bell Park in Langley straight out towards Camano - one orca northbound midchannel. -Emily Wandres
15:31 - I’m seeing the same orca from Langley, northbound mid channel. -Steve Smith
15:28 - Lone orca mid channel heading north - directly between Langley marina and Camano Island. -Christy Grant
11:50 - Orca northbound mid to east channel at President's Point. Heading more northeast. -Sara Frey
11:20 - Three to four orcas traveling northbound near the mid channel marker off of Jefferson Head [Kingston]. One male at least. -Logan Baker
HUMPBACK WHALES - Wed, Jan 3 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - 10:08 - Whale friend [humpback] in the usual area (between Owen Beach and Point Defiance) again this morning. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
January 2
UNIDENTIFIED KILLER WHALES - Tue, Jan 2 - BC - Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Pam Postle
Date of Sighting: January 02, 2024
Time: 11:10 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Blind Bay Hardy island
Direction of travel : West travelling slowly
Behaviors observed: Possibly hunting our resident seal
If orcas, any males?: Possibly
Any unusual markings?: None observed
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: They were very calm
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org
COASTAL KILLER WHALES - Tue, Jan 2 - Alaska - Ketchikan, AK. Link to more photos here. -photo by Court Grace, January 2, 2024
HUMPBACK WHALES - Tue, Jan 2 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - Loving this shot of CRC-20899. -photo by Amber Stanfill, January 2, 2024
-photos by Korinna Barth, Janaury 2, 2024
15:35 - 20 yards off the shore at Point Defiance clay banks. -David Michael
14:52 - From the point. -Bee Lorenzen McVicker
14:37 - Fluke east between Point Defiance & Vashon. Heading towards the ferry lane. -David Bennett
14:25 - Milling [approx. 47.323629, -122.547741]. -David Michael
14:20 - Fluke moving north [approx. 47.333631, -122.557181].
14:16 - Fluke facing northerly as it dived. -David Bennett
14:56 - Circled back to Owens.
14:06 - We have them here off of Point Defiance last seen.
13:12 - Farther out still at west Owens surfaced a few times. -Korinna Barth
13:42 - After walking west from Owen Beach. We watched it in the distance for awhile, then surprise! My girls and I had an amazing adventure and we loved chatting with several of you. This was their first whale sighting. It was a great one! (I got to do an internship for a study of humpback whale migration in Hawaii way back in 2000, so these guys are extra near and dear to my heart.) -Jerrinne Becker Haas
11:20 - Full breach from west of Owen Beach. -Kyle Anderson
08:15 - Humpback [near Point Defiance - approx. 47.323167, -122.549503]. -David Michael
January 1
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) - Mon, Jan 1 - Haro Strait - 11:37 - Beautiful Bigg’s calls! -Kat Martin [WSSJI]
11:15 - Hearing orca calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
Mon, Jan 1 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T73As) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #2: “The animals were nearing the VF buoy south of Race Rocks by the time the encounter started, and they were happy to find some rarer visitors to the area in the T073As. This foursome – T073A and her offspring T073A1, a mature bull, T073A2 and T073A3 – is more well known from SE Alaska, but do make occasional forays into the Salish Sea, often in mid-winter and early summer. The whales were travelling restfully west in the Juan de Fuca, and the team was able to capture both right- and left-side ID photos of all four. T073A and T073A1 were giving the odd tail-lob and as the whales picked up their pace the guys suspected they had heard others. The T060s (Encounter #01) would be within acoustic range, but the T073As seemed to be angling southwest rather than toward Vancouver Island…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #2.
Mon, Jan 1 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T60s) - Excerpt from the Center for Whale Research Encounter #1: “They angled out to meet the incoming whales, and when they surfaced for their next breath cycle, the CWR team quickly identified the T060 matriline of Bigg’s killer whales! The T060s are regular visitors to the Salish Sea throughout late summer and autumn, and usually return to the area early in the new year. The four animals – T060 and her offspring T060C, T060F and T060G – were grouped tightly and travelling northeast, toward Otter Point. They paused very briefly to nab an unassuming small mammal, perhaps a harbour seal, carrying on eastward after a spyhop from the matriarch and 45-second prey-share…” Read more here at Center for Whale Research Encounter #1.
HUMPBACK WHALES - Mon, Jan 1 - San Juans
11:10 - Have headed south... Toward the Olympics. Quite far away now.
10:45 - I am wondering if there are more than five in that group. All traveling together. Still lots of surface activity. Heading west northwest.
10:32 - They are off Eagle Point now. Super active! -Jenny Stands Wilson [WSSJI]
09:45 - Five humpbacks went south through Cattle Pass. -Janelle Colleran-Owens [WSSJI]
Mon, Jan 1 - Central Puget Sound (CRC-20899) - From Point Defiance of the humpback whale CRC20899 - s/he was very close to shore.It was an incredible start to the new year! Link to more photos. -photos by Heather Roskelley, January 1, 2024
New Year’s Day was incredible, to say the least. I was feeling a little down so I decided to go to Owen Beach and spend the day at the point. I knew there was a humpback in the area so I figured that that was the best place to reset my mind. Lordy lordy, there were soooo many people there due to the polar plunge. I felt a bit overwhelmed by the crowd to be honest; I totally forgot about the polar plunge that day. I just put my head down and walked as far away from as many people as I could, to be one with nature and relax my mind. Once I got close to the point, where there were no people, I let out a huge sigh of relief. Almost instantaneously I heard the POWERFUL whoooosh of the humpbacks breath. He/she was literally 20 yards from shore right behind me. The gasp that I gasped y’all, the gasp that I gasped. I wasn’t even looking for the humpback, I was just trying to get to the point; I felt so much peace come over me in that moment and thinking about it still gives me goosebumps. Shortly after that happened, more and more people showed up and I’m so happy they were able to witness the events that unfolded. I love sharing amazing whale moments with people, especially people that have never seen them before. To make it even better my longest whale friends Amber, Ashley, and Jolena were able to make it over too! We all have different schedules so it’s not often we’re all together on the beach; them being there made this day even more special then it already was. The juvenile humpback stayed with us all day at the point. He/she was playing with the sea lions and totally doing ballet. Everyone on the beach was completely silent as we watched in awe. I can’t think of a better way to start the new year. I had never seen a humpback close before and they have earned a huge place in my heart. What. A. Day. I love you CRC20899. Link to more photos. -photos by Jami Cantrell, January 1, 2024
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tom Frenock
Date of Sighting: January 01, 2024
Time: 1:30 PM
Species seen: Humpback
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Point Defiance between approx 47º 19.033N-122º 32.937W and 47º 19.345N-122º 31.850W
Direction of travel : SW to NE, but staying very close to shore (see photos)
Behaviors observed: spy hopping, breaching, multiple tail slaps, feeding
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Photos coming via a WeTransfer email to the sightings address
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to sightings@orcanetwork.org -photos by Tom Frenock, January 1, 2024
14:15 - 16:45 - Spent 2.5 hours walking back and forth down Point Defiance Beach watching CRC-20899 as it spyhopped, fed, and swam with the sea lions. I missed a lot of the initial action but this day is still a major win in my book. All photos taken from shore with a telephoto lens and subsequently cropped as needed.Link to more photos. -photos by Jolena Tagg, January 1, 2024
CRC-20899 was about 50 yards from shore this afternoon on Point Defiance and was such a joy to watch. Link to more photos. -photos by Alisa Miller, January 1, 2024
17:30 - Spotted at Point Defiance. Heading toward the Narrows. -Nikki Deneen
16:31 - Between Owen Beach and the point. Ten minutes ago. -Michael Haskins
15:30 - [CRC-20899]. -photo by Stella Kurriger, January 1, 2024
15:30 - Off Owen Beach. -photo by Ryan Dicks, January 1, 2024
15:10 - I was able to capture this one today. Same spot as JM Machak, from shore. -Kandi Hartman
15:04 - Just saw a lovely sunlit fluke off the point of Point Defiance. -Sound Action
15:02 - 50 yards off shore.
14:34 - Humpy is about 1000 yards off shore. Seemingly heading west by northwest mid Colvos channel. North of all these boats.
14:02 - 75 yards off shore at Point Defiance. -Mike Spranger
14:20 - West! They're at the point of the beach. -Zeph Topaz
14:12 - This was from today.
13:49 - Here is one my husband. -JM Machak
13:25 - Right at the point and clay banks. -David Michael
12:21 - Just fluked southwest side of Vashon Island facing west viewing from Owen Beach. -Cherie StOurs
12:15 - Southwest shore of Vashon [approx. 47.330425, -122.519307]. -David Michael
11:38 - Seen traveling south, closer to Vashon west end. Viewing from Sunrise Beach. -Jolena Tagg
10:45 - Viewed moving southbound from Camp Sealth, east side of channel. -Elise Snoey
10:09 - After a northbound trip to Lisabuela and a reported nap the humpback has turned south again and is now near or south of Paradise Cove on Vashon headed southbound.
08:34 - Humpback whale just reported headed north near Reddings Beach area (south of Lisabuela). If it continues north then Lisabuela would be up next for viewing. Followed by Fern Cove and north end. Not sure if this is our calf leaving or another one in the area. -Sound Action